SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / New Additions to the Collection
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September 26, 2021 - It's been a while! I added previews for all of my USS Gray (FFG-51) photo sets.
May 23, 2020 - added preview views for all sets of the USS Oldendorf (DD-972). Also added a preview for the one set I have on the USS Haylor (DD-997).
April 8, 2020 - added preview views for several sets of the USS New Jersey BB-62, showing her condition prior to her 1980['s refit.
January 27. 2020 - added two new sets for the Vietnam era fast patrol boat PTF-26. Also fixed the bookstore links.
January 24, 2020 - addded a new set for the USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN-69). Also added a new set for the USS Bunker HIll (CG-52) . Finally, began marking digial sets with a new graphic so
they are more easily identified Digital sets can be delivery for no
shipping charge over the internet, and have the further advantage of
being able to zoom in on them.
January 23, 2020 - added serveral new sets for the USS Vandergrift FFG-48 extensive onboard details, along with useful viwes from shore.
January 21, 2020 - added a new photo set for the USS John P. Murtha (LPD-26), a San Antonio class amphibous transport dock.
January 20, 2020 - added a new overhead set for the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) taken in October of 2011. Also added a pair of nice overhead sets for the USS Guadalupe (T-AO-200), a Henry J. Kaiser class fleet oiler, and a set for the landing craft LCU-1646, showing hull details. If you are into naval avaiation, a detailed set for the MV-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor aircraft might prove interesting.
January 18, 2020 - added some nice digital sets for HMCS Calgary (FFH-335), a Canadian City class frigate. Also added an overhead set for the USS Spruance (DDG-111), and several sets for the USS Preble (DDG-88), including both overhead and onboard details. Added a very nice overhead set for the USS Vandergrift FFG-48.
and another for the USS Stroup (DDG-86)., in addition a number of onboard detail shots for the Stroup have been added. Added many digtial sets for the USS Antietam (CG-54), including a nice series of overhead views and exrtensive onboard sets.
January 17. 2020 - A new categoyr, Litoral Combat Ships has been added. Our first two sets are fine views of the USS Coronado (LCS-4), the Indenpendence class (trimaran) variant. Added two really nice set for the USS Stockdale (DDG-106), great digtial Golden Gate Bridge shots. A new Ticonderoga class cruiser, the USS St. George (CG-71) has been added with two great digital sets. Also, a new set for the M/V Cape Orlando, a ready reserve force ship for the US Maritime Administration. I have also added quite a few previews to the Spruance class destroyer section. Added previews to all the sets for the USS Turner Joy (DD-951), a Forrest Sherman class destroyer. Also added some more previews to the USS Kidd (DD-661), a Fletcher Class Destroyer.
January 16, 2020 - I have added a new set for the USS Stockdale (DDG-106), and added many previews to the US guided missile destroyer section. My goal this year is to add more previews for the various sets.
June 12, 2019 - Time flies! I have added two new sets for the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70),
taken at her comissioning. I hope to update a bit
more frequently, particularly next winter when I will be adding some
more photos.
June 16, 2017 - It's been a while! While I don't have any new sets, I am happy to report that the site is back up and running again after an ongoing problem with my hosting service that prevented me from doing updates. If you saw dead links or missing photos, that is why!
March 2,
2014- added preview sets of
the USS
Moctobi (ATF-105)
Paul F. Foster DD-964
USS Supply (AOE-6)
February 20, 2014- added preview sets of USS Hornet (CV-12). USS Sacramento (AOE-1), USS Ranier (AOE-7), USS Supply (AOE-10), and the German U-boat U-505.
October 26, 2013 Added previews of the USS Mellon (WHEC-717) and the USCG Morgenthau (WHEC-722)
October 6, 2013 - Added more previews for USS Implicit (MSO-455), and USNS Navajo (T-ATF 169)
September 2, 2013 - Added previews for USS Implicit (MSO-455), USS Takelema ATF-113 ,USS Escumbia YTB-762,USS Poughkeepsie YTB-813, and USS Tontogany YTB-821
January 20, 2012 - Added previews for the amphibious landing craft LCM3. Also added previews for Chiliean Navy ships Blanco Encalada (Former RN County class destroyer), and the frigates Condel and Lynch which are similar to the RN Leander class.
April 22, 2011- Added a photo set for USS Chancellorsville (CG-62), also added previews for other CG-62 sets. Added previews for USS Paul F. Foster (DD-964), USS Joseph P. Kennedy (DD-850), USS MCKern DD-784 and USS Herbert J. Thomas DD-833 , USS Cabot CVL-28
December 26, 2010 - Added sets for the French Navy Minesweeper Croix du Sud (M646), Minesweeper Support Ship Loire (A615), Germany Navy Corvettes Braunschwieg (F260) and Oldenburg (F263), Royal Netherlands Navy Corvette Tromp (F803). Also added preview sets for the JMSDF Kirishima (DDG-174), a Kongo class Aegis destroyer.
December 22, 2010 - Added sets for the USS Lassen DDG-82, ATB Galveston / Petrochem Producer (tug/oil barge), Oil Tanker Mississippi Voyager,Tug Marin Sunshine, Tug Saggitarian, Tug Henry Brusco
December 20, 2010 -Added sets for USS Pioneer (MCM-9), USS Chief (MCM-14), USS Curts (FFG-38)
December 19, 2010 Added sets for the MK38 Mod 2 Busmaster Weapons System, USS Pickney (DDG-91),USS Bunker Hill (CG-52),HMNZS Te Kaha (F77), HMNZS Endeavour
December 17, 2010 Added sets for the USS Makin Island (LHD-8), USS Kidd (DDG-993); USS Hue City (CG-66), USS Carney (DDG-64).Added preview sets for the USS Steward (DE-238), USCG Ingrahm (WHEC-35),USS Nimitz (CVN-68), USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70),USS Camden (AOE-2)
August 6, 2010 Warship Pictorial # 35 - Ticonderoga Class Guided Missile Cruisers by Kurt Greiner. My second book, filled with great photos and information about these powerful cruisers.
August 5, 2010 - added Classic Warship Calendars to our line.
July 11, 2010 -
Added our new CD on the Russian Cruiser Varyag - very comprehensive coverage of this ship.
May 26, 2010
Added sets for the Spanish Aegis Frigate Blas de Lezo (F103), a unit of the Álvaro de Bazán class, set for the French Destroyer Latouche-Tréville (D 646) of the Georges Leygues Class. Finally, added a set for the French Mistral class amphibious assault ship Mistral (L-9013).
May 20, 2010
Added preview photos for mulitple sets of the USS Navajo (T-ATF-169). Also added previews for the USS Harry W.. Hill (DD-986), and USS John Young (DD-973).
March 14, 2010
Added new sets for the Russian Landship Ship Kaliningrad (Project 775), Russian Corvettes Passat and Geyser, new sets for the USS Carter Hall LSD-50, a new set for the Brazilian Polar research vessel Almirante Maximiano, a new set for the German replinishment tanker Rhöne (A-1443), and a new set for the USS McInerney FFG-8, Added color previews for the USS Massachusetts BB-59, and USS Defender MCM-2.
March 12, 2010
Added new sets for Turret Ship Huáscar, first commissioned in 1866, restored and preserved as a museum in Chile. Also added a new set for a missile attack craft from Finland ,the FNS Hanko (P-82), new sets for the Belgian frigate Louise-Marie (F931), new sets for the Indian Frigate Beas (F37), a new set for the Latvian Minelayer Virsaitis (A-53), a new set for the FGS Hamburg (F-220) and a new onboard set for FGS Mölders D-186, a Charles F. Adams class guided missile destroyer.
February 23, 2010
Added new sets for USCG Boutwell WHEC-719, San Francsico Fireboat Guardian, Tugboat Sagittarian, USS Dekaury YTB-178, HMC Algonquin DDH-283
Added preview sets for: USS Arkansas CGN-41, USS St. Paul CA-73, USS Kidd DD-661,USS Frederick LST-1184, USS Boulder LST-1190,USNS Keystone State T-ACS-1
February 16, 2010
Added new sets for USS Green Bay LPD-20, San Antonio Class Ambphibious Transport Dock
July 2, 2009
Added preview sets for: USS Clamagore SS-343
June 6, 2009
Added preview sets for: USS Elliott DD-967 , USS Paul F. Foster DD-964, USS Chief MCM-14, USS Thunderbolt PC-12 , USS Harry S. Truman CVN-75 , USS George Washington CVN-73 , USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72
February, 24, 2009
Added preview sets for: USNS Mercy T-AH-19,USNS Navajo T-ATF 169,USS Anchorage LSD-36, USS Fort Fisher LSD-40
February, 9, 2009
Germany Navy
FGS Sachsen - lead ship of the Sachsen class AAW frigates, photographed April 2008 by Frank Findler
FGS Bayern - Brandenburg class frigate photographed by Frank Findler, April, 2008
Russian Navy
Neutrashimnyy - photographed near Wilhelmshaven, Spring 2008 by Frank Findler
Geyzer - Nanuchka class Corvette photographed December, 2006 by Frank Findler
Passat - Nanuchka class Corvette photographed December, 2006 by Frank Findler
Royal Netherlands Navy
HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën (F802) - photographed 4/2008 by Frank Finderl
HNLMS Evertsen (F805) - photographed in the Kiel Canal by Frank Findler
South African Navy
Protea - Survey vessel for the South African Navy, formerly RN Hecla class.
Blexen - German Tractor Tug
February, 8, 2009
Royal Netherlands Navy
Frigate HNLMS Van Galen (F-834) - photographed at Dan Helder, May,2008, and in the Kiel Canal, December 2008 by Frank Findler
Royal Navy
HMS Cornwall F-99 - Photographed October 3, 2006 at Brunsbüttel, Kiel Canal by Frank Findler
RFA Lyme Bay (L3007) - Bay class auxiliary landing ship dock photographed June 2008 by Frank Findler
Federal German Navy
FGS Mölders D-186 - Charles F. Adams Class guided missile destroyer shot a Willhelmshaven by Frank Finder
Russian Navy
Zyb' - Nanuchka III class corvette photographed by Frank Findler
February, 6, 2009
USS Harry E. Hubbard DD-748 - Black and White set from July, 1944, taken just before her commissioning.
Amphibious Warfare Ships
USS Dubuque LPD-8 - Black and White set taken in 1985 at Long Beach Naval Shipyard
USS Denver LPD-9 - A mosaic set taken from shore showing the ship passing.
Added preview sets for HMCS Restigouche DDE-257, HMCS Yukon DDE-263 , HMCS Annapolis DDE-265, HMCS Louis S. St. Laurent, HMS Active F-171, USS Fitzgerald DDG-62,JMSDF Kirishima DDG-174,JMSDF Myoko DDG-175 , USS Shiloh CG-67
February, 4, 2009
USS Chicago CG-11 - a nice set looking down from a yard crane in 1972, and another set taken a year later, also from a crane.
USS St. Paul CA-73 - nice set combining views from 1963 and 1955, taken from yard cranes
USS Canberra CA-70 - a set showing torpedo damage and repair from 1944/45
USS Paul F. Foster DD-964 - yard set taken onboard in the late 1970's/ early 1980's.
Added preview sets for HMCS Annapolis DDE-265, HMCS Louis S. St. Laurent, HMCS Provider AOR-508
February, 3, 2009
Added preview sets for Russian Foxtrot Class Submarine "Scorpion",USS Constellation CV-64,USS Kitty Hawk CV-63,SPS-49 Radar,DASH - (Drone Anti -Submarine Helicopter),USS Estocin FFG-15 ,USS Valley Forge CG-50,USS Vincennes CG-49
February, 2, 2009
Added preview sets for USS Fife, USS Dolphin AGSS-555, USS Grayback SSG-577,USS Blueback SS-581,USS Gato SSN-615,USS Drum SSN-677, USS Kamehameha SSN-642 ,USS Pampanito SS-383,USS Drum SS-228
November, 14, 2008
US Coast Guard
47' Utility Boat Photographed at Motor Lifeboat Station, Golden Gate, September 2002
Civilian Tug
C Tractor 9 Photographed October, 2002 at San Diego. The US Navy contracts with these distinctive tugs to assist in ship movements in San Diego, where their Orange and Red livery is well known.
Added preview sets for Kranich, West German Jaguar Class Patrol Boat,HMS Norfok (F-230),HMCS Edmonton (MCDV-703), HMCS Saskatoon MCDV-709,HMCS Brandon (MCDV-710),HMCS Protecteur AOR-509 , HMCS Calgary FFH-335 ,HMCS Algonquin DDH-283, South Korean Destroyer face="arial">Kwanggaeto-Daewang DD-971, South Korean Frigate Cheongju FF-961, Japanese Suicide Submarine "Kaiten", Russian Povodnaya Lodka (Foxtrot Class Project 641)
November, 12, 2008
Added preview sets for USS Intrepid CV-11, USS Bunker Hill CV-17, USS Constellation CV-64, USS Enterprise CVN-65, USS Nimitz CVN-68, USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72, USS Harry S. Truman CVN-75
November, 10, 2008
USS Missouri BB-63 Photographed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 2002
Added preview sets for USS Paul F. Foster DD-964, USS John Paul Jones DDG-53. USS Curtis Wilbur DDG-54,USS Milius DDG-69, USS Higgins DDG-76,USS Chafee DDG-90, Ex-US Army ST Tug Delta Jessica, USS North Carolina BB-55, USS Alabama BB-60, USS Missouri BB-63,
November, 7, 2008
USS Momsen DDG-92 Photographed October 2004 during San Francisco Fleet Week
USS Henry B. Wilson DDG-7 Photographed August 2003 as she was being towed out of the Suisun Bay reserve fleet
USS Towers DDG-9 Photographed 8/02 at Mare Island where she is being prepared for a SINKEX. She is still mostly complete at this point.
Added preview sets for USS John Paul Jones DDG-53, USS Curtis Wilbur DDG-54, USS Ramage DDG-61, USS Stetham DDG-63, USS Benfold DDG-65, USS Hopper DDG-70, USS Lassen DDG-82, USS Howard DDG-83, USS McCampbell DDG-85, USS Preble DDG-88, USS Pinkney DDG-91, and USS Chandler DDG-996
November 4, 2008
Added preview sets for USCG Steadfast WMEC-623,USCG Escanaba WMEC-907, > USCG Alert WMEC-630, Nantucket Lightship, USCG Buttonwood WLB-306, USS Boxer LHD-4, USS Bonhomme Richard LHD-6>, USS Comstock LSD-45 USS Harpers Ferry LSD-49, USS Pearl Harbor LSD-52, USS Cleveland LPD-7USS Dubuque LPD-8, USS Okinawa LPH-3 ,USS Tripoli LPH-10, USS Tarawa LHA-1, USS Peleliu LHA-5, USS Copeland FFG-25, M/V Horizon Pacific,M/V Gracious Sky,M/V Jo Brevik, USS Long Beach CGN-9 ,USS Princeton CG-59,USS Halsey CG-23,USS Jouett CG-29, USS Monsoon PC-4,USS Zephyr PC-8 ,USS Avenger MCM-1, USS Devastator MCM-6, USS Chief MCM-14,USS Hazard AM-240,USS The Sullivans DD-537,USS Laffey DD-724,USS Kidd DD-661
face="arial" size=2>November 3, 2008
USS Downes FF-1070 Photographed August 2003 While being towed out for a SinkEx.
USS Key West SSN-722 Photographed October 2000 from the Golden Gate Bridge
USS Coronado AGF-11 Photographed October 2000 from the Golden Gate Bridge
USS Shasta AE-33 Photos taken 10.03 at San Francisco
CCNI Anakenan Container Ship photographed October 2000 from the Golden Gate Bridge
Matsonia Container Ship photographed October 1999 from the Golden Gate Bridge
Added preview sets for Spruance Class Destroyers, German U-Boats, Ticonderoga Class Cruisers, Perry Class Frigates, a Knox class Frigate, a Los Angeles Class Submarine, Sea Shadow, Glomar Explorer, USNS John McDonnell T-AGS-51, USNS Guadalupe T-AO-200,Avenger Class Minesweepers,Healy Class Coast Guard Icebreakers,Hamilton Class Coast Guard Cutters
October 2008
New! As of now, when new sets are announced, there will be a full preview photo for each of them. This is in response to requests for more preview shots. As time permits, I will also be going back and adding more previews to exisiting sets.
USCG Bertholf WMSL-750 - the brand new, 418' National Security Cutter. Full previews for all sets.
October 2006
US Warships
Aircraft Carriers
Nimitz Class
Taken 10/06 at San Francisco
Set CVN68F 32 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 OA, nice ¾ bow starboard, 31 details bow to near stern, deck details, island details, radars, masts Q9 $ 24.00
Set CVN68G 26 views,from bridge, 3 oa stbd. side 23 details bow to stern along stbd side. Q9 $ 19.50
Ticonderoga Class
Set CG59C 12 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa. Stbd side
9 details bow to stern Q9 $ 9.00
Set CG59D 22 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, bow on, 21
mosaic bow to stern from directly above Q9 $ 16.50
Arleigh Burke Class, Flight II A
Set DDG90A 11 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa. Stbd side, slight stern angle, 10 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd side. Q9 $ 8.25
Set DDG90B 17 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1oa, ¾ bow port, 16 details, mosaic bow to stern along port side Q9 $ 12.75
Arleigh Burke Class Flight II (No Hanger)
Taken at San Francisco, CA 10/06
Set DDG67B 22 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, bow on, 21 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship goes directly underneath Q9 $ 16.50
Set DDG76C 7 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, starboard side, 5 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd side. Q9 $ 5.25
Arleigh Burke Class Flight I
Set DDG53Y 20 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall, bow on slight port angle, 19 details bow to stern virtually overhead Q9 $ 15.00
Set DDG53Z 15 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, stbd. Side, 14 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd. Side Q9 $ 11.25
US Coast Guard
Reliance Class (210')
USCG Steadfast WMEC-623 Photographed at San Francisco, 10/06
Set WMEC623A 24 views, from shore pier, port side of hull, lots of details, starboard side shots from across pier, nice set Q9 $ 18.00
Set WMEC623B 24 views, 7 onboard details, fantail area, life rafts, stack, 17 views from pier, bridge area, hull, mast, ss Q9 $ 18.00
Set WMEC623C 24 views, onboard details, fosc'l area, bulwark, bridge front, Bushmaster gun, winch, ammo lockers Q9 $ 18.00
Set WMEC623D 24 views, onboard details, boat storage, davit, passageway, fantail details, aft capstan, ladder Q0 $ 18.00
Canadian Warships
Kingston Class Patrol ships
Set MCDV703B 8 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa. ¾ bow port, 7 details, mosaic bow to stern along port side Q9 $ 6.00
PS 709B 9 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, ¾ bow port, 8 details, mosaic along port side as ship passes Q9 $ 6.75
South Korean Warships
Added page for South Korea, including 2 destroyers, frigate and replenishment ship
Civillian Ships
Container Ships
London Express (Container Ship, Hapag-Lloyd Line)
Set Cont17 9 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, port side slight bow angle, 8 details, mosaic bow to stern Q9 $ 6.75
Bulk Carriers
Set Bulk1 14 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, nice ¾ bow port, 13 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes. Nice set Q9 $ 10.50