SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Amphibious Warfare Ships

Amphibious Assault Ships, Landing Ship Dock, Landing Ship Tank, and other Amphibious


Tarawa Class (LHA)

USS Tarawa LHA-1

Taken October 1997 at San Francisco, CA

Set LHA1A 18 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall bow on, 3/4 bow stbd, nice, 16 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. Q9 $ 13.50

Set LHA1B 23 views, from G. Gate Bridge, different day and angle than above, 2 OA, 21 details as ship passes, port side. Nice Q9 $ 17.25

Set LHA1C 15 views, from pier, 1 overall port side, rest mosaic bow to stern covering port side. Q8 $ 11.25

San Francisco 10/00 - ship has a flight deck full of harriers and a LCAC escorting.

Set LHA F 17 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one oa, nice ¾ stbd stern, 1 LCAC view, 15 details, bow to stern along starboard side. Q9 $ 12.75

Taken 3/00 at San Francisco - be sure to read descriptions, we caught this ship twice on the visit, coming in and heading out!

Set LHA1D 20 views, from G. Gate Bridge, 2 o.a. bow on, very dramatic, 18 views, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes directly under Q9 $ 15.00

Set LHA1E 1 view, from Golden Gate Bridge, overall, ¾ port stern view portrait Q9 $ .75

Set LHA1G 24 views, on board and from pier, views of island, mast, radars from port and stbd side Q9 $ 18.00

Set LHA1H 5 views, onboard, views of aircraft handling tractors Q9 $ 3.75

Photographed at San Diego, October 2002

Set LHA1I 4 nice overall views from elevated shore viewpoint, ¾ port bow, portside, ¾ port stern views. Q9 $ 3.00

Taken 10/04 at San Francisco, CA

Set LHA1J 13 Views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 OA 3/4 Stbd. Stern,12 Details, mosaic bow to stern down stbd. side    Q9     $ 9.75

USS Peleliu LHA-5

6-17-96 San Diego, California

Set LHA5A 15 Views 1 overall ¾ starboard stern, 14 views, mosaic along starboard side as ship passes. Q8 $ 11.75

Set LHA5D 9 views, from shore, 3 good overall views, 6 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passwa, SD, 1997. Q8 $ 6.75

Taken 4/02 at San Diego

Set LHA5E 9 views from shore, 1 oa ¾ stbd bow, 8 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes. Q9 $ 6.75

Wasp Class (LHD)

Roughly the size of World War II Essex class Aircraft Carriers, these assault ships can support air and sea landings, and were designed to operate Harrier Jump Jets as well. A versatile and impressive ship.

USS Essex LHD-2

Set LHD2A 3 views, from elevated shore position, all overalls, , nice (Shot at Sydney, Australia 3/97) Q9 $ 2.25

Shot at San Francisco, CA October 1999

Set LHD2B 15 views from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 nice overalls, 3/4 starboard bow,13 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd. side Q9 $ 11.25

Set LHD2C 20 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, ship heading toward camera, foggy day but good details, 1 overall, 19 details directly above Q8 $ 15.00

USS Boxer LHD-4

Photographed 10/96 at San Francisco, CA

Set LHD4A 1 view, ¾ stbd. stern overall, from Golden Gate Bridge, nice shot with 2 LCAC's in the foreground. By Lee Upshaw. Q9 $ .75

Set LHD4B 9 views, details from GG Bridge bow, island, mast, stern, all on starboard side. Photography by Lee Upshaw Q9 $ 6.75

Set LHD4C 9 views from GG Bridge, alt. angle than set LHD4B, 1 nice OA ¾ stbd bow, 6 details along stbd side, 2 views LCACs Q9 $ 6.75

Set LHD4D 7 views, from dock, 4 details looking up at bow, 1 view Island from forward,1 midship area from stern, 1 port stern area. Q8 $ 5.25

Set LHD4E 1 view, from GG Bridge , ¾ bow starboard overall, classic ship portrait with Marin Headlands in background. Q9 $ .75

Set LHD4G 25 views, on board, interior hanger deck, flight deck, helicopters, Harrier, Marine equipment ,island. Q8 $18.75

Set LHD4H 24 Views, from pier, mosaic bow to stern along stbd. side, very good details, nice direct lighting Q9 $ 18.00

Set LHD4I 1 view, ¾ bow port view from boat, ship is anchored with San Francisco skyline in background, nice. Q9 $ .75

Set LHD4J 8 views, from shore, nice starboard side portraits and mosaic as ship passes by. San Diego, 3/97 Q9 $ 6.00

Photographed in San Francisco, 10/00

Set LHD4K 22 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 3 oa, bow on, slight port angle, 19 views, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under Q9 $ 16.50

Set LHD4L 12 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, Mosaic bow to stern along stbd side, different angle than above Q9 $ 9.00

Set LHD4M 23 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall, straight on, 21 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes directly under Q9 $ 17.25

Taken 10/05 at San Francisco, CA

Set LHD4N 20 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, stbd side slight stern angle,19 details, mosaic bow to stern Q9 $ 15.00

Taken 12/05 at San Diego, CA

Set LHD4O 12views, from Golden Gate Bridge, from shore, one overall ¾ stbd. Stern, 11 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd. side $ 9.00

USS Bataan LHD-5

Photographed at Port Everglades, FL by Marc Delerson, 10/99

Set LHD5A 26 views onboard and from pier, island, deck, hull details, deck equipment Q9 $ 19.50

Set LHD5B 25 views onboard and from pier, island ,deck, hull details, deck equipment, different views than above Q8 $ 18.75

Set LHD5C 24 views onboard details, showing island, sea sparrow, RAM launcher, chaff launchers, other details Q8 $ 18.00

USS Bonhomme Richard LHD-6

Photographed at San Francisco, 5/01

Set LHD6A 6 views from pier, along starboard side Q9 $ 4.50

Set LHD6B 15 views, 14 views, on board, 1 interior well deck, 13 views of island port side, 1 view from pier of island stbd side Q9 $ 11.25

Set LHD6C 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall bow on, slight stbd angle, 15 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd Q9 $ 12.00

Set LHD6D 24 views, onboard, around island, RAM launcher, SRBOC, aircraft handling equipment, island details. Q9 $ 18.00

Photographed San Francisco, 3/99

Set LHD6E 16 views, form Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall ¾ bow port, nice, 14 details, mosaic bow to stern Q9 $ 12.00

Photographed San Francisco 10/06

Set LHD6F 21 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall ¾ bow port, 20 details, mosaic bow to stern along port side Q9 $ 15.75

Set LHD6G 24 views,from Golden Gate Bridge, ¾ stbd stern, 16 details, mosaic bow to stern, 7 details and overall of LCAC-64 $ 18.00

USS Makin Island (LHD-8)

This is a variant of the Wasp class, with Gas Turbines and other noticeable changes.  Photographed October, 2010 at San Francisco

Set LHD8 A 25 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 3 overall shots, 22 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under.  Q9  $ 18.75

Set LHD8 B 25 views, from pier, looking up on starboard side, nice details of hull and superstructure on that side of the ship.  Q9  $ 18.75

Set LHD8 C 43 views, onboard details on flight deck, island, catwalks, aircraft handling equipment.  Q9 $ 32.25

Iwo Jima Class (LPH)

The first of the US Navy's purpose built assault carriers, they differ from later LHA and LHD types as they lack a well deck.One, the Inchon has been converted into a Minesweeper support ship. The remainder of the class will be decommissioned soon.

USS Okinawa LPH-3

Photographed October, 1997 at the Suisun Bay reserve fleet - she is decommissioned.

Set LPH3A 7 views, from boat, on3 overall ¾ stbd. stern, 6 details, mosaic along stbd side. Q9 $ 5.25

USS Tripoli LPH-10

Photographed while being towed out of San Francisco, November 2002, on her way to be sunk as a target.  Lots of details visiable from this set.

Set LPH10A 28 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall, 3/4 port bow, 27 details, bow to stern mosaic of ship going under bridge, many details visable including flight deck equipment and island markings. Q9  $ 21.00

USS Inchon LPH-12

The Inchon has since been converted into a mother ship for Minesweepers. Photographed 6/93 in European waters.

Set LPH12A 11 views, from boat, 4 nice overalls, 2 ¾ bow stbd, stern stbd., 7 details as ship passes. Q9 $ 8.25

Amphibious Transport, Dock (LPD, LSD)

Austin Class

Amphibious Transport Docks. They have a well deck covered with a fixed flight deck for helicopter operations. Built during the late 60's and early 70's. LPD's carry more troops and vehicles compared to LSD's at the expense of Well Deck size.

USS Ogden LPD 5

Taken 1998 at San Francisco, California

Set LPD5A 6 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overalls, bow on, 3/4 bow port, 4 details as ship passes below Q8 $ 4.50

USS Duluth LPD 6

Taken 10/95 at San Francisco, California

Set LPD6A 5 views, taken from boat, 4 overall views of LSD, 1 o.a. view of LCAC landing craft tied up in front. Q8 $ 3.75

Taken 10/97 at San Francisco, CA

Set LPD6C 8 views, onboard, detail shots around flight deck, hanger door ,ladder detail. Nice sunny day. Q9 $ 6.00

Set LPD6D , 3 views, from boat, ship is in San Diego drydock, rudders, propellers visible. Q9 $ 2.25

Set LPD6E 2 views, from shore, bow on, ¾ bow stbd overall. Q8 $ 1.50

Taken San Francisco 3/00

Set LPD6F 1 view, from Golden Gate Bridge, overall portrait ¾ starboard stern. Q9 $ .75

Set LPD6G 18 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall 3/4 stern port, 17 views, details along port side from above, very clear Q9 $ 13.50

USS Cleveland LPD-7

Taken at Sydney, Australia 3/97

Set LPD7A 1 view, starboard side overall, from shore. Nice portrait Q9 $ .75

Taken at San Francisco, CA 10/00

Set LPD7B 15 views, from the Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall bow on, 14 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes directly under Q9 $ 11.25

Set LPD7C 20 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa ¾ stbd stern, 19 shots, details along stbd side as ship passes Q9 $ 15.00

Set LPD7D 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa 3/4 bow stbd, 15 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes underneath Q9 $12.00

Taken at San Francisco CA 10/03

Set LPD7E 18 views, from Golden Gate Bridge,1 oa, ¾ bow port, 18 details, mosaic from bow to stern along port side as ship passes under Q9 $ 13.50

USS Dubuque LPD-8

Taken at San Diego, CA 6/00

Set LPD8A 15 views, from shore, 3 overall, various stbd angles, 13 details from bow to stern Q9 $ 11.25

Taken 4/02 at San Diego, CA

Set LPD8B 12 views, from shore, 2 oa, stbd side, 10 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes Q9 $ 9.00

Taken 10/05 at San Francisco, CA

Set LPD8C 19 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, stbd side slight stern angle, 18 details, mosaic bow to stern Q9 $ 14.25

Taken July 1985 at Long Beach Naval Shipyard.  Courtesey of the Lee Upshaw collection

Please note that this is a black and white set

Set LPD8D 27 views, on board, some taken from mast, very good details $ 20.25

USS Denver LPD-9

Taken at San Francisco, California, October 1997

Set LPD9A 15 views, from Golden Gate Bridge one overall, bow on, 15 details along stbd side, mosaic bow to stern Q8 $ 11.25

Set LPD9B 14 views, onboard, stack, fosc'l, 20mm bushmaster gun Q8 $ 10.50

Set LPD9C 30 views, onboard, boat storage, stack, crane, fosc'l area, front of bridge. Q8 $ 22.50

Set LPD9D 3 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 nice overall views, bow on slight stbd angle, with LCAC approaching, 1 view LCAC. Q9 $ 2.25

Set LPD9E 10 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 nice overall ¾ port bow, 9 details along port side as ship passes. Q9 $ 7.50

Taken at San Diego, California, October 2007

Set LPD9F 10 views, from fishing pier, 1 nice overall ¾ port bow, 9 details along port side as ship passes. Q9 $ 7.50

USS Juneau LPD-10

Taken at San Diego, CA during 1997

Set LPD10A 1 views, portside overall, slight bow angle, ship is underway. Q8 $ .75

San Antonio Class Dock Landing Ships

USS Green Bay LPD-20

Photographed October, 2009 at San Francisco

Overhead sets - if you are going to chose one set, LPD-20A is the recommended set, with  sets20B and 20C supplementing if you would like more shots.  There is no duplication between sets.

Click on any preview to expand

Set LPD20A  22 photos, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall, 3/4 starboard stern, 21 details, mosaic bow to stern along starboard side.  Q9  $ 16.50

Set LPD20B 24 views, supplements set LPD-20A without duplicates, for those who want more details.  Q9  $ 24.00

Set LPD20C 23 views, supplements sets LPD20BAand LPD 20B, even more details

Views from Pier

Set LPD20 D 24 views along port side of ships  Q9   $ 18.00

On Board Details

Set LPD20E 24 views, onboard details around ship.  Q9  $ 18.00

USS John P. Murtha LPD-26
seaphoto digital Photographed 12/2018 at San Diego.   This is a digital set, so if you choose digital delivery you can zoom in on the details.

Set LPD26A   23 views, from shore, 2 overall, 21 details, mosaic along starboard side of ship sterm to stern.  Q9   $ 17.25


Anchorage Class Dock Landing Ships

They can carry a variety of landing types, including the air cushion (LCAC)

USS Anchorage LSD-36

Taken at San Diego, California 6/97 during Fleet Week

Set LSD36A 8 views, 2 OA ¾ bow port, 6 on board details, most of cranes and looking into well deck.. Gray day. Q8 $ 6.00

Set LSD36B 9 views, on board details, life rafts, funnels, well deck, LCAT, WT door, Mast Q8 $ 6.75

Set LSD36C 1 view, from shore, nice ¾ port bow. Q9 $ .75

Set LSD36D, 36 views, onboard, nice views of LCAC, well deck, chain gun, Marine vehicles, mast, deckhouse, bridge wings. Q9 $ 27.00

Taken at San Francisco, CA 3/2000

Set LSD36E 22 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall 3/4 stern port, 21 details, almost directly above ship, slight port angle. Nice! Q9 $ 16.50

Set LSD36F 8 views, looking down into well deck from helo deck at LCAC, stern door, cranes on helo deck Q9 $ 6.00

Set LSD36G 7 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa stbd side, 6 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd side Q9 $ 5.25

Set LSD36H 23 views, onboard details, mast, CIWS, SRBOC, Bushmaster, TACAN. aft deck, etc. Q9 $ 17.25

USS Pensacola LSD-38

Set LSD38A 4 views, from shore, 2 overall portside, 3/4 port bow, details amidships area Q8 $ 3.00

USS Mount Vernon LSD-39

Views taken October 1997 at San Francisco, CA

Set LSD39A 15 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 nice oa, ¾ bow port, 13 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes. Nice Q9 $ 11.25

Set LSD39B 14 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 nice ¾ port bow, 13 details, mosaic bow to stern along port side as ship passes. Q9 $ 10.50

USS Fort Fisher LSD-40

Photographed at San Francisco, CA 8/94

Set LSD40A 25 onboard details, cranes, upper deck details, CIWS, etc. Q9 $ 18.75

Set LSD40B 3 views, 2 ¾ bow port, 1 view of bridge. Q8 $ 2.25

Set LSD40C 24 onboard details, LCM-6, encapsulated life rafts, light guns, etc. Q9 $ 18.00

Set LSD40D 7 views, 1 ¾ bow stbd overall, 6 details from pier. Q9 $ 5.25

Set LSD40E 36 onboard details, masts, well deck, Phalanx, navigation bridge, LCAC hovercraft. Q9 $ 27.00

Photographed from the Golden Gate Bridge, 9-1994

Set LSD40F 11 views, one overall, 10 mosaic from directly above, while passing under bridge. Nice! Q9 $ 8.25

Photographed 10/96 at San Francisco during Fleet Week

Set LSD40G 13 views, 1 ¾ bow stbd overall, nice, 12 details, mosaic as ship passes under bridge, different angle than above Q9 $ 9.75

Photographed at San Diego, CA 6/97

Set LSD40H 9 views, from shore, 3 overall, ¾ bow, stern stbd, stbd overall, 6 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes.. Q8 $ 6.75

USS Comstock LSD-45

Photographed San Diego, CA 6-17-96

Set LSD45A 15 views, 1 overall ¾ portside/ bow, 14 portside details, bow to stern as ship passes. Q8 $ 11.25

Photographed at San Francisco, CA 10/96 during Fleet Week

Set LSD45D 13 views, from Golden Gate Bridge 1 nice ¾ bow port overall, 12 views, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes. Nice Q9 $ 9.75

Photographed at San Diego, CA 4/02

Set LSD45E 16 views, from shore, 2 oa stbd side, bow and stern, 14 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes Q9 $ 12.00

Photographed at San Francisco, CA 10/02 during Fleet Week

Set LSD45F 24 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 nice ¾ bow port overall, 22 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes.      Q9    $18.00

USS Rushmore LSD-47

Photographed 10/2002 at San Diego

Set LSD47A 5 views, from Point Loma (elevated viewpoint) 2 nice overalls, 3 details, mosaic bow to stern Q9 $ 3.75

Harpers Ferry Class (LSD-49)

USS Harpers Ferry LSD-49

Photographed at San Francisco, CA, 10/97

Set LSD49A 19 views, from Golden Gate Bridge 2 overall ¾ bow port, 17 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. Q9 $ 14.25

Set LSD49B 34 views, on board, flight deck, upper decks, ext. .bridge, stack tops, RAM missile launcher, crane tops. Good general set. Q9 $ 25.50

Set LSD49C 18 views, most on board details, continuation of above set, a few views shot from dock, and one overall ¾ bow port. Q8 $ 13.50

Photographed at San Francisco, CA 10/00 during Fleet Week

Set LSD49D 23 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa, stern, slight stbd angle, 22 views, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. Q9 $ 17.25

Set LSD49E 18 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa ¾ bow port, 17 details, mosaic bow to stern along port side Q9 $ 13.50

USS Carter Hall LSD-50      

Phiotographed in 1996 by Duane Curtis at Little Creek, VA.

Set LSD50A  24 views, onboard details, mast, superstructure, flight deck, ship's boats, crane, bridge, platform.  Q9  $ 18.00

Set LSD50B 23 views, onboard details and a few from pier, fosc'l, superstructure, well deck, winch, hull details Q9  $ 17.25

USS Pearl Harbor LSD-52

Set LSD52A 2 views, from boat, ¾ bow stbd, ¾ stern stbd, ship is under construction, 3/96 Q8 $ 1.50

The following photos were taken 3/99 at San Francisco

Set LSD52B 16 views, from aircrat carrier flight deck, one nice overall, 15 details along port side Q9 $ 12.00

Set LSD52C 21 views, on board, shots of fosc'l, well deck, RAM missile launcher, phalanx, underneath of mast $ 15.75

The following views were taken 10/99 at San Francisco

Set LSD52D 20 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall 3/4 starboard port, 18 details, mosaic bow to stern along starboard side. Q9 $ 15.00

Taken 10/04 at San Francisco

Set LSD52E 21 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall stbd side, slight stern angle, 21 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd. Q9 $ 15.75

LSD-52 F 22 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one oa, 3/4 bow port, 21details, mosaic bow to stern along port side

Landing Ship, Tank (LST)

Newport Class LST-1179

The last class of landing ship, tank, built for the US, they were considerable faster than early designs through the innovative use of an extendable bow ramp that allowed a finer hull form. At this writing only two are left in the fleet. the rest finding homes in foreign navies.

USS Frederick LST-1184

Photographed at San Francisco, CA, March 1998

Set LST1184A 12 views, from pier, 1 overall, 11 details of hull. Very good details, but light discoloration on most views, else would be Q9. Q8 $ 9.00

Set LST1184B 18 views, 1 ¾ stern stbd overall, 17 on board details, mast, stack, top of bridge, fosc'l from bridge, Q9 $ 13.50

Set LST1184C 36 views, onboard, fosc'l, ramp details, front of bridge, bridge interior, winches, stern deck. Good details. Q9 $ 27.00

Set LST1184D 19 views, from G. Gate Bridge, 1 overall stern view, 18 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. Very nice. Q9 $ 14.25

Set LST1184E 12 views, 1 ¾ bow stbd OA from pier,11 views, from G.G. Bridge, 1 port side OA, 10 views, mosaic along port side, nice. Q9 $ 9.00

USS Boulder LST-1190

Photographed at Chicago IL by Paul Doman

Set LST1190A 9 views, 6 on board (o/b), 3 overall Q8 $ 6.75

Set LST1190B 16 views, mostly details, some exterior Q8 $12.00

Set LST1190C 20 o/b details; nice shots Q8 $ 15.00

Set LST1190D 24 detail views Q8 $18.00

Landing Craft, Utility (LCU)

LCU 1631

Photographed at San Diego, CA 3/97

Set LCU1631A 1 view, starboard side overall portrait, nice. Q9 $ .75

LCU 1646

seaphoto digital Photographed at San Francisco  October 2011.  This is a digital set, so if you choose digtial delivery  you can zoon in on the photos.

Set LCU1646A  19 views, craft is in the well deck of the USS Bonhomme Richard.  Good hull details.  Q8  $ 14.25


LCU 1666

Set LCU1666A 4 views from shore, 2 overall stbd side bow and stern, 2 details bow and stern as it passes by.  Q9  $ 3.00

LCU 1680

Photographed by Paul Doman

Set LCU 1680A 21 views. on board and from dock, nice details, good set. Q9 $ 15.75

Landing Craft, Mechanized (LCM)

LCM (3)

Photographed at Fall River, Massachusetts where she is a museum display 5/99

Set LCM(3)A 11 views, onboard and around vessel, overall bow and stern views, rudders, and onboard details Q9 $ 8.25

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6/17 Version 2.4