SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Russian Navy Warships

CIS - Former Soviet Union and Russia


Udaloy Class Guided Missile Destroyers (Project 1155)

Admiral Kharlamov

Set SD678A 6 views, taken 7-8-94 in European Waters. 2 overall ¾ bow stbd. 4 details on stbd. side. From boat. Q8 $ 4.50

Soveremennyy Class Guided Missile Destroyers (Project 956)

Bezboyanenyy "intrepid"

Set SD672A 2 views, from boat, 1 overall ¾ stbd stern overall, 1 detail, fosc'l. A bit dark Q8 $ 1.50

Bezuderzahnnyy "Tenacious" Photographed 05-27-95 by Lawrence Lee

Set SD465A 15 views, most on board, weapons, superstructure, bridge; Interesting. Q8 $ 11.25

Gremyashchiy "Thunderous"

Set SD439A 3 overall views from slightly above, ship at anchor in rough water. 5/93, European Waters. Q8 $ 2.25

Nastoychivyy "Reliable"

Set SD610A 2 views, 1 nice ¾ bow port overall, 1 marginal ¾ stern stbd overall, hazy day Q8 $ 1.50


Neutrashimyy Class Frigates (Project 1154 "Yastreb") 

A new class, put in service 1993 as a follow up to the Krivak Class. Taken 1995, Kiel, Germany by Winter/Findler Archive

Neutrashimyy "Undaunted"

Set SF712A 7 views, port and stbd side details underway, 2 overall views. Q8 $ 5.75

Set SF712B 12 views, 8 o/b details, gun, rocket lanchr, hanger, fosc'l, 4 views underway, port side, oa + detail Q8 $ 9.00

Set SF712C 21 views, o/b, helo and fosc'l decks, front of bridge, aft mast, superstructure (SS) details. Q8 $ 15.75

Set SF712E 17 views, o/b and from shore, aft SS, stern, bow, anchors, liferafts, masts. Q8 $ 12.75

Set SF712F 17 views, from other ship, port side details, T.Tube, AA gun, director, Radar, Boat, S/structure Q8 $ 12.75

Set SF712G 17 views, bridge wing, helo deck, helo ramp, deck details from above, ship's boat. Q8 $ 12.75

Set SF712H 13 views, most o/b, some dock, port main deck details, vents, WT doors, crane, depth charge Q8 $ 9.75

Set SF712I 5 views, from shore, 1 overall ¾ port stern, 4 good details, bow to fore part of helo deck. Q9 $ 3.75

Set SF712J 14 views. Onboard, mast, main gun, fosc'l details, other weapons, hatches. Q8 $ 10.50

Set SF712L 5 views, from shore, both masts, nice shot of helo deck from above. Q8 $ 3.75

Set SF712M 8 views, 4 overall views including 1 nice overhead, 4 details, mostly ASW rocket launcher Q8 $ 6.0

Photographed Spring, 2008 near Wilhemshaven by Frank Findler

Set SF712 34 views, from shore and pier, details all around ship

Krivak I Class Frigates

Antisubmarine frigates put in service during the early 70's.

Bditel'nyy "Vigilant"

Set F707A 4 views, overalls, 3/4 bow stbd, stern stbd. from boat Q8 $ 3.00


Projekt 1234.1 (Nanuchka III)

Small missile carrying warships.

Zyb’  Photographed 6/2008 by Frank Findler near Dan Helder, The Netherlands.

Set CIS C560A 3 views, from shore, mosaic bow to stern along starboard side.   Q9   $ 2.25

Geyzer- photographed December, 2006 by Frank Findler

Set CIS C555A 38 views, details from pier along starboard side. Q8 $ 28.50

Set CIS C555B 14 views, from opposite pier, 1 oa, 3/4 bow port, 13 details along port side.  Q9  $ 10.50

Photographed July 2006 in Bremerhaven by Frank Findler

Set CIS C555C  25 views, from pier, 2 overall, bow on, 23 details along starboard side  Q9  $ 18.75

Passat - photographed December, 2006 by Frank Findler

Set CIS C570A 13 views, from opposite pier, 4 overall views, including views of C-555 behind, 9 details along port side.  Q9  $ 9.75

Photographed July 2006 at Bremerhaven by Frank Findler

Set CIS 570 B 11 views, from shore, one overall (stern is truncated), 10 details, bow to stern along port side    Q9  $  8.25

Amphibious Warfare Ships

Tank Landing ship Ropucha class (Project 775)

From the Wikipedia Article:

The Ropucha (toad), or Project 775 class landing ships are classified in the Russian Navy as "large landing craft" (Bol'shoy Desatnyy Korabl). They were built in Poland in the Stocznia Pónnocna shipyards, in Gdansk. They are designed for beach landings and can carry a 450 ton cargo. The ships have both bow and stern doors for loading and unloading vehicles, and the 630 m² of vehicle deck stretches the length of the hull. Up to 25 armored personnel carriers can be embarked.

Photographed by Frank Finder at Den Helder, The Netherlands, July 2009

Set CIS LST102 A  37 views, onboard and from pier, good details of weapons, deck fittings, mast, radar.  Q9 $ 27.75

Set CIS LST102 A  36 views, onboard and from pier,  overall views, good details of weapons, deck fittings, mast, radar.  Q9 $ 27.00

Foxtrot Class Submarine Project 641

Part of a large class (62 units) of SSK (Hunter - Killers). Now on display at Long Beach, California next to the RMS Queen Mary. "Scorpion" is a name given after the fall of communism in Russia; originally the submarine would have been named after a young communist ("Komsomolets")

Povodnaya Lodka (now Scorpion) (Ex- B 427)

Photographed 5/99 at Long Beach, CA

Set B427A 27 views, 2 nice overalls, 3/4 bow port, 25 hull details, very useful Q9 $ 20.25

Set B427B 7 views, 6 interior shots, torpedo room, ladder, 1 view of conning tower ports. Q9 $ 5.25

Set B427C 7 views, onboard and from gangway, views of aft portion of sail, deck details, periscope. Q9 $ 5.25

Juliet Class Submarine Project 651

Armed with nuclear tipped cruise missiles, this relic of the Cold War is on display at St. Petersburg, Florida.

Krasnoye Sormovo K-77, B-77

Photographed at St. Petersburg, FL by Paul Doman in 1998

Set K-77A 30 views, 8 interior, 2 overall from boat, 20 external details, good overall set Q8 $ 22.50

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6/17 Version 2.4