SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / US Battleships


Iowa Class

Last of the dreadnoughts, the Iowa's operated during most of the 1980's and into the early 90's. These magnificent vessels were an awesome sight underway, hard to forget.

USS Iowa BB-61

Set BB61A 1 view, port side overall, crew manning the rails, ship in European waters. Q8 $ .75

Taken 5/99 at Providence, RI, where she is currently mothballed.

USS Iowa at Providence, USS Forrestal is in the background

Set BB61B 12 views, from shore, 1 overall 3/4 port stern, 11 views, details from bow to stern Q8       $9.00

These sets taken 4/01 as she entered into the mothball fleet, Suisun Bay, CA

Set BB61B 3 views, from elevated shore position, 1 overall, 4/4 port stern, 2 views of superstructure Q9 $ 2.25

Set BB61C 15 views, from shore, two overall, 13 details mosaic bow to stern as ship passes Q9 $ 10.75

Set BB61D 1 view, from shore, ¾ bow port overall, nice Q9 $ .75

New Jersey Battle Group

Taken 6/69 by Gary Lewis in San Francisco, CA. This was after the New Jersey's sole Vietnam deployment

NJBG - 1 17 views, 16 from the Golden Gate Bridge, 1 of BB-62 passing under, rest overall and details of her escorts. A great snapshot of the 1969US Navy, has DLG, DD of Fletcher and Gearing class, DD of Forest Sherman class. Great set for the surface navy!                                                      Q8                            $ 12.75

USS New Jersey BB-62

Taken 6/69 by Gary Lewis in San Francisco, CA. This was after the New Jersey's sole Vietnam deployment.

Set BB62A 19 views, onboard and from pier, a mix of detail and overall shots, some dark, contrasty but some unique view of the dreadnought's 1969 deployment . Q8 $ 14.25

Sets taken during the early 1980's by Lee Upshaw while the ship was being reactivated at Long Beach Naval Shipyard.

Set BB62B 17 views, of hull in drydock, 1 overall, 16 details rudders, props, bow, set is a bit fuzzy and could use more contrast, but still useable Q7 $ 12.75

Set BB62C 28 views of ship in drydock before restoration was begun, views of props, rudder and hull Q8 $ 21.00

Set BB62F 4 views, in drydock, forefoot, prop, bilge keel Q8 $ 3.00

These sets were taken in 1981 by Lee Upshaw, before the ship was towed down to Long Beach for reactivation, and shows the ship in her 1968 fit

Set BB62D 3 views of ship from superstructure of BB 63, good general views. Q8 $ 2.25


Set BB62E 29 views, onboard details, aircraft crane (folded) aft area. Main guns, fosc'l details, looking up at SS Q8 $ 21.75


Set BB62J 38 views, onboard details, showing superstructure, aft mast, SPS 10 radar stored on deck, other radars on deck, views around ship. Q9 $ 28.50

Taken 1990 by Lee Upshaw

Set BB62G 14 views, onboard and on pier, looking up at superstructure Q9 $ 10.50

USS Missouri BB-63

These views were taken in San Francisco, CA, in 1991 during a port visit.

Set BB63A 32 Detail views, some taken from dock, Q8 $ 24.00

Set BB63B 32 On board details Q8 $ 24.00

Set BB63C 9 detail views taken from dock Q8 $ 6.75

Set BB63D 36 views of her preparing to leave pier, shot form a boat in the water. Shows bow, port side in stern from a variety of angles. Some similar views, but no two identical - mostly overall photographs. Not available

Set BB63E 24 views, underway on San Francisco Bay, taken from boat all around ship. Some very nice pictures in this set of the ship underway in the early morning.        Q8 $ 18.00

Set BB63F 20 views, underway, similar, but not identical to the above set. Q8 $ 15.00

Set BB63G 6 views of the battleship underway, 1 stbd side, 5 ¾ stern stbd Q8 $ 4.50

Set BB63H 33 detail views from main deck - 16" guns, bow, deck ,bridge front, secondary guns; a lot of good detail. Q9 $ 24.75

Set BB63I 1 overall, port side, ship is docked. Taken 9/89. Q8 $ .75

The following views were taken by Lee Upshaw in the early 80's by Lee Upshaw at Long Beach

Set BB63J 10 views, mostly overall views, ship arriving under tow at Long Beach for refit Q8 $ 7.50

Set BB63O 8 views, in drydock, views of props and rudders Q8 $ 6.00

The following views were taken by Lee Upshaw in the early 1980's at Bremerton , WA, ship is in her Korean War fit

Set BB63K 26 views, taken from the superstructure of an adjacent cruiser, looking down on the battleship, nice details, but a bit dark Q8 $ 19.50

Set BB63L 31 views, onboard details, upper superstructure, mast, stack, secondary guns, director, Q8 $ 23.25

Set BB63M 26 views, onboard details, main deck, main guns, fosc'l details, looking up at superstructure Q8 $ 19.50

Set BB63N, 34 views, from adjacent cruiser, views bow to stern, similar to set BB63K, but from a lower angle and a bit better light Q8 $ 25.50

The following photographs were shot at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in 2002 after the Missouri had been installed as a museum ship.

Set BB63 P, 24 views, onboard details, rangefinder, CIWS, UNREP gear, radar, stack, chaff launcher, armored box launcher for Tomahawk.   Q8  $ 18.00

Set BB63Q, 36 views, onboard details, superstructure, mast, stack, deck, conning tower, main guns, radio mast, mushroom vent. bow chock, bow bollard.  Q8  $ 27.00

Set BB63R, 24 views, onboard, main guns, secondardy directors, turret roof, Remotely Piloted Drone, deck gear Q9 $ 18.00

Set BB63S, 24 views, from pier, 1 overall, 3/4 bow port, 21 details of ship, superstructure, bridge, stack, mast, directors, conning tower, 2 views of battleship moles - the concrete structures used to tie up the battleships. Q9 $ 18.00

South Dakota Class

They played a key part in the Second World War, but, too slow to operate with the new task forces, they were discarded in the early 1960's. Impressive ships that embody the "traditional" battleship look.

USS Alabama BB-60

These sets of this well preserved museum ship were taken at Mobile, Alabama in September 1995

Set BB60 Portrait - One view, taken from former highway bridge (now gone), early morning view of rarely seen starboard side.  Q9  $  .75

No larger preview available

Set BB60A 24 views, onboard details from conning tower of ship looking down at directors, deck, etc. Q9 $ 18.00

Set BB60B 24 views, onboard details, taken of/from upper superstructure levels, tops of 5" mounts, etc. Q9 $ 18.00

Set BB60C 24 views, onboard details, fantail area, aft mast, crane, deck details Q8 $ 18.00

Set BB60D 24 views, onboard details, fosc'l area, deck fittings, planking details, fwd. face of SS Q9 $ 18.00

Set BB60E 24 views, onboard details, fosc'l area, 16" turret, radar, fwd. SS Q9 $ 18.00

Set BB60F 10 views, o/b and from gangway, cat details, general views of aft SS, armor belt Q9 $ 7.50

Set BB60G 10 views, interior engine room and barbette. 5" handling room. Q8 $ 7.50

Set BB60H 4 views, interior 5" mount. Q8 $ 3.00

Set BB60I 20 views, o/b details, fwd. port SS, 5" gun, 5" practice loading machine. Q9 $15.00

Set BB60J 4 overall views, ¾ port from dock, different angles. Nice shots Q9 $ 3.00

Set BB60K 4 views. One shot of propeller on dock; mosaic of 3 views along port side SS. Q8 $ 3.00

Set BB60L 8 views, o/b, 5 inside 5" gun mount, 40mm gun shield, hull detail (from gangway) Q8 $ 6.00

Set BB60M 24 views along port side from shore - a very useful set. Q8 $18.00

Set BB60N 2 overall views, taken late in the day, 1 bow on, 1 ¾ bow port. Q8 $ 1.50

Set BB60O 20 o/b views, inside 16" turret, deck details, SS, gun directors, 20mm guns Q9 $15.00

Set BB60P 20 views in and around armored conning tower. Q9 $15.00

Set BB60Q 24 o/b, fantail area - deck, catapult, 40mm guns, etc. Q9 $18.00

Set BB60R 24 o/b, superstructure, 5" guns, Mk 37 director. Q9 $18.00

Set BB60S 14 views from behind BB on another vessel, hull detail, aft gun, SS, director . Q8 $10.50

Set BB60U 2 views, from shore. Hull around stern, aft Superstructure overall view. Q8 $ 1.50

USS Massachusetts BB-59

All photos taken July, 1994 at Fall River, MA

Set BB-59A 24 detail views, forecastle, main deck, lots of good details. Q8 $ 18.00

Set BB59B 17 detail views, main guns, hatches, paravane, deck Q8 $ 12.75

Set BB39C 9 details, searchlights, radar Q8 $ 6.75

Set BB59D 5 detail views, MK 37 director, details of armor belt Q8 $ 3.75

Set BB59E 24 detail views, main deck, inside of 16" gun turret Q8 $ 18.00

Set BB59F 14 views, 1 overall, 13 details of stern catapult, 40 mm quad anti aircraft gun Q8 $ 10.50

Set BB59G 16 detail views of superstructure from dock, lots of good info here Q8 $ 12.00

Set BB59H 9 detail views of range finders, superstructure. Q8 $ 6.75

Set BB59I 24 details views of upper decks, 40mm gun tubs Q8 $ 18.00

Set BB59J 9 detail views of upper decks, radars for both main and 5" guns Q8 $ 6.75

Set BB59K 3 views, all overall shots, 1 bow on, 2 ¾ stbd bow Q8 $ 2.25

Photographed while drydocked, 1999, by Keith Bender

Set BB59L 31 views, from underneath in drydock, hull details, props, struts, rudder, bilge keels, and kinds of details! Q9 $ 23.25

Please note that all SeaPhoto photographs are full color - some of these samples were scanned in black and white to speed loading of the web page and conserve server space. They are being supplemented with full color previews as time permits.

North Carolina Class

The first battleships built for the US during the 1930's. the North Carolina's held the line during the early years in the Pacific Theater. They were the first of the fast battleships in the US Navy.

USS North Carolina BB-55

All photographs taken 9-93 at Wilmington, NC - nice sunny day.

Set BB55A 2 views of stern Q9 $ 1.50

Set BB55B 37 on board details, some inside turret # 3 (these a bit dark) other all photos excellent quality Q9 $ 27.75

Set BB55C 37 overall and detail photos shot from a variety of angles, useful set Q9 $ 27.75

Set BB55D 3 Overall views from the stern Q9 $ 2.25

Set BB55E 4 on board views, 2 of turret # 3, 1 of OS2U Kingfisher, 1 views of propeller stowed on deck Q9 $ 3.00

Set BB55F 37 detail views of bridge, radar, other upperwork details - very useful Q9 $ 27.75

Set BB55G 25 detail views of upperworks, again a lot of good info on the port side Q9 $ 18.75

Set BB55H 38 detail views of upper works Q9 $ 28.50

Texas Class

Built shortly before World War I, this class was typical of the "Dreadnought" battleships of their time. The Texas is the sole survivor of this time period, although she was preserved in her late WWII appearance.

USS Texas BB-35

Taken 9-95 at La Porte, Texas where she is a museum ship. She is painted in measure 21, overall Navy Blue -  very striking! She was recently featured in the movie, "Pearl Harbor"

BB35A 24 onboard (o/b) views; paravane, crane, A.A. guns, deck details. Q8 $ 18.00

BB35B 10 o/b views, radar mattress, gun bloomer, deck edge details, aft superstructure. Q8 $ 7.50

BB35C 20 o/b views, from upper decks, crane, superstructure, more general views Q8 $ 15.00

BB35D 18 o/b views, from upper decks, details of main turret, 40mm guns, searchlight. Q8 $ 13.50

BB35E 21 o/b views, from aft deck, 40mm details, 5" gun, stack, aft. Mast. Q8 $ 15.75

BB35F 22 o/b views, forward deck, 20mm, 40mm guns, fore superstructure, fosc'l details. Q8 $ 16.50

BB35G 12 views. 1 ¾ stbd bow overall, nice, 11 details from dock along portside, useful. Q8 $ 9.00

BB35H 24 views, some o/b fosc'l details, most nice useful details taken from dock at deck level. Q8 $ 18.00

BB35I 22 o/b views, hull details, mid deck, superstructure, turret range finders, deck details. Q8 $ 16.50

BB35J 20 o/b details, around stern, deck, 5" guns, etc. Q8 $ 15.00

The following views were taken in 1988 by T. Hade, before her restoration. She is painted overall Navy Gray.

BB35K 18 views, from shore, 3 overall, 15 good details from shore, very useful. Q9 $ 13.50

From set BB35K

BB35L 27 views, o/b all around main deck and upper decks, views of main guns, 1.1 AA guns, general view of ss. Q8 $ 20.25

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04/20  Version 2.4