SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Auxillary Ships

Auxiliary Ships

Surveying Vessels
Fast Combat Support Ships
     Sacramento Class
     Supply Class
Fleet Oilers
     Henry J. Kaiser Class
      Cimarron Class
Ammunition Ships
      Kilauea Class
     Suribachi Class
Combat Stores Ships

Command Ships
Salvage Ships
Submarine Tenders
Destroyer Tenders
Rescue Ships
Hospital Ships
Roll On/Roll Off Ships


Surverying Vessels

John McDonnell Class (T-AGS-51) Coastal Surveying Vessels, in service since 1991. Used to gather data used by the Navy and Civiilians

USNS John McDonnell T-AGS-51 Photographed 2/02 at San Francisco

Set TAGS51A 17 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall, 3/4 bow port 15 details, mosaic along port side. Nice $ 12.75

SURTASS Ocean Surveillance Ships

SURTASS stands for Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System. Vessels of these classes were to be used in time of war to locate enemy submarines by trolling long hydrophone arrays behind them - literally trolling for submarines. Appropriately enough, the first class was based on commercial fishing ships. With the demise of the Cold War, many have been transferred to ocean research applications.

Victorious Class T-AGOS-19

Twin hulled, SWATH ships, photographed at Norfolk, VA 10/93

Set TAGOSCA 16 views of T-AGOS 22 and 20 from boat, details of both ships. Q8 $ 12.00

Set TAGOSCB 1 bow view. Q8 $ .75

Stalwart Class T-AGOS-1

Monohulled SURTASS variant.

USS Worthy T-AGOS-14

Set TAGOS14A 12 views, 2 from boat, 10 details from pier. Q7 $ 9.00

Fast Combat Support Ships

Sacramento Class

These very large (almost 800 feet long) combination support ships can supply fuel, ammunition, food and the other items needed to support fleet operations. The Sacramento and Camden have the machinery that was destined for the cancelled battleship Kentucky (BB-66).

USS Sacramento AOE-1

Taken at San Deigo in June 1994

Sset AOE1A - 9 views, one overall 3/4 bow port, 8 details  Q8 $ 6.75

Set AOE1B - 6 views, 4 details plus 2 overall shots,  Q9  $ 4.50

Taken at San Francisco, CA 10/00
Set AOE1D 24 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall3/4 bow port, 22 details, mosaic bow to stern Q9 $ 18.00

USS Camden AOE-2

Taken at San Francisco, CA 1-31-98

Set AOE2A 28 views, form Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall ¾ stern stbd, 26 views, mosaic bow to stern. Good details, but a bit grainy. Q8 $ 21.00

Taken at San Francisco, 7/95

Set AOE2B 23 views, from pier, looking up on port side from bow to near stern. Q9 $ 17.25

Taken at Bremerton, WA  9/94

Set AOE2C, 3 views, overall from boat Q8 $ 2.25

Supply Class

The follow on to the Sacramento class, they able to carry the same stores, in slightly smaller amounts.

USS Supply AOE-6

Taken 6/94 at San Diego, from boat.

Set AOE6A 9 views from boat, some details. Q7 $ 6.75

Set AOE6B 6 views, from boat, 2 overall and 4 details. Q7 $ 4.50

USS Rainer AOE-7

Set AOE7A 8 views, from shore, 2 overall port side, 6 details, mosaic as ship passes bow to stern Q9 $ 6.00

The following views were taken as the ship was under construction at NASSCO, San Diego

Set AOE7B 5 details from boat, bow, stbd and stern. San Diego, 3/94 Q8 $ 3.75

Set AOE7C 9 views, bow to stern as boat passes. Q8 $ 6.75

Set AOE7D 15 views, details from boat along stbd side, good info. Q8 $ 11.25

USS Bridge AOE-10

Shot 10/98 entering San Francisco by Dave Manley

Set AOE!0A 3 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, overall views, bow on Q9 $ 2.25

Set AOE10B 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 oa. nice views, 14 details, mosaic bow to stern. Q9 $ 12.00

Fleet Oilers

Henry J. Kaiser Class T-AO-187

Mid sized oilers built to civilian standards and manned by civilian crews

USNS Pecos T-AO-197

Photographed at San Francisco,, CA October 1999

Set TAO197A 21 views, from Golden Gate Bridge 2 nice overall ¾ starboard bow, 19 details, mosaic bow to stern along starboard side. Q9 $ 15.75

USNS Tippecanoe T-AO-199

Set TAO199A 20 views, shot from opposite pier, good details of deckhouse and gear. Q8 $ 15.00

Set TAO199B 9 views, 1 ¾ bow stbd, 8 closer views. Q8 $ 6.75

Set TAO199C 2 views, portraits, one very nice ¾ bow stbd, one starboard. Sydney Australia, 4/1997 Q9 $ 1.50

Set TAO199D 4 views, from Point Loma, San Diego, nice overall, 3 details, mosaic bow to stern 10/2002  Q9 $ 3.00

USNS Guadalupe T-AO-200

Photographed at Sydney, Australia 3/97

Set TAO200A 2 views, ovrealls, ¾ bow starboard, port side Q9 $ 1.50

Photographed at San Francisco 10/00

Set TAO200B 25 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall, 3/4 stern starboard, 24 details, mosaic bow to stern Q9 $ 18.75

Set TAO200C 19 views, from shore ,2 overall 3/4 bow port, 17 details, mosaic bow to stern along port side, useful details Q9 $ 14.25

Set TAO200D 7 views, as above, with more bow angle, 1 oa, 6 details of hull, gear. Q9 $ 5.25

Set TAO200E 28 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one oa. bow on, 27 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes directly under Q9 $ 21.00

The following set was taken in October 2011.  Since this was taken with a digtial camera, if you choose digital delivery you will be able to zoom in on the details.

Set TAO200F 53 views, detailed mosaic bow to stern, plus one overall.  Q9  $ 39.75


Set TAO200G  11 views, shot a few moments later than the set above, more general views bow to stern plus one overall.  Q9  $ 8.25


Cimarron Class

Built in the early 1980's, they are designed with a capacity to refuel a conventional aircraft carrier twice per load.

USS Willamette AO-180 Photographed at San Diego, California in 1998 by Paul Doman

Set AO180A 19 views, most onboard with a few pier, details of stack, UNREP gear, bow, helo deck Q9 $ 14.25

Ammunition Ships

Kilauea Class

Fast supply ships designed to replenish missiles and other munitions to the Fleet.

USS Mount Hood AE-29

Set AE29A 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 nice bow on o.a., 15 views, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes. Nice Q9 $ 12.00

Set AE29B 10 views, from harbor tour, details of stern, upperworks. Q8 $ 7.50

USS Flint AE-32

Set AE32A 13 views, 1 overall 3/4 stern port view, 12 details looking down from adjacent CV. Alameda, 5-95 Q8 $ 9.75

USS Shasta AE-33

Ammunition ship of the Kiluea class, commissioned in 1972. Taken 10-94

Set AE33 A 9 views of ship passing under the Golden Gate Bridge Q8 $ 6.75

In 1997, the Shasta was transferred to the Military Sealift Command, and designated as T-AE 33. She is now civilian crewed. Photos taken 10.03 at San Francisco

Set TAE33B 22 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one ¾ bow port, 21 details, mosaic along port side as she passes under bridge Q9 $ 16.50

Suribachi Class

Built during the late 50's from the Keel up as Naval ships, they are now retired.

USS Pyro AE-24

Photographed at San Francisco, CA 10/89

These photos are available as a digital download.

Set AE24A 14 views, 1 bow from pier, 21 details Q7 $ 10.50

Set AE24B 23 views, 2 of stern from boat, 4 views from pier, 24 o/b details of cranes, gear, etc. Q7 $ 17.25

Set AE24C 5 views, 4 tied up to pier, 4 underway. Marginal quality as some are grainy. Q6 $ 3.75

Set AE24D 23 views, Onboard details.  Q7, $ 17.25

Combat Stores Ships

Mars Class

Built in the mid 60's, these ships have been transferred to the Military Sealift Command.

USS Niagara Falls T-AFS-3

Set TAFS3A 3 views, from shore, ovealls, port and starboard side, Taken at Sydney, Australia. Q9 $ 2.25

Command Ships

USS Coronado AGF-11

Converted Landing Ship Dock - now the command ship for the Pacific Fleet

Set AGF11C 20 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall views, 18 details, mosaic as ship passes underneath. Q8 $ 15.00

Photographed October, 2000 at San Francisco

Set AGF11D 21 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall ¾ bow stbd., 19 details, mosaic as ship passes directly under Q9 $ 15.75

USS Mount Whitney LCC-20

Set LCC20A 7 views, form boat, 4 nice OA., various angles, 3 details, amidships, helo deck, bridge wing. Q9 $ 5.25

Set LCC20B 4 views, from boat, 1 overall ¾ stern port, 4 details as ship passes. European waters, 3/92 Q8 $ 3.75

Set LCC20C 2 views, 1 overall, ¾ stern stbd., 1 details, antennae. Q9 $ 1.50

Salvage Ships

Safeguard Class (ARS-50)

Recently built leadship of the 4 ship class, the Navy's rescue and salvage vessels. Photographed 7-96 in SF

Set ARS50A 14 views, from the Golden Gate Bridge, as ship passes under, I nice overall, 13 details, mosaic bow to stern. Q9 $10.50

Set ARS50D 11 views, from shore, 1 ¾ bow stbd overall, 10 good details of forward part, gear, etc. Q8 $ 8.25

Set ARS50E 1 view, ¾ bow port overall view as ship approaches pier, shot from pier. Q9 $ .75

Bolster Class (ARS-38)

Built during the last year of World War II. They are 207' long, and are fitted with heavy lift gear. San Francisco, 10/92

Set ARS38A 5 views from pier. Q8 $ 3.75

Set ARS38B 32 on board details, salvage gear, a lot of details. Q8 $ 24.00

Set ARS38C 19 on board details, good useful views Q8 $ 14.25

Set ARS38D 4 views, along starboard side, 3 details Q8 $ 3.00


Destroyer Tenders, Samuel Gompers Class

Built to support both nuclear and gas turbine destroyers

USS Samuel Gompers AD-37

Set AD37A 8 detail views of starboard side. Photographed in San Francisco, Q6 $ 6.00

Set AD37B 8 views, 3 overall and 5 details. Q7 $ 6.00

Submarine Tenders, Emory S. Land Class

Built to support Nuclear Submarines of the Los Angeles Class. Two are still on active duty.

USS Frank Cable AS-40

Set AS40A 3 views, from shore, all overalls, port, starboard, ¾ port bow. Q9 $ 2.25

USS McKee AS-41 - now retired

Set AS41A 4 views, from boat, different overalls from bow and stbd angles. Q9 $ 3.00

Submarine Tenders

Fulton Class

Converted to support nuclear submarines, retired during the 70's and 80's.

Set AS19A 1 view, from elevated shore position, ships is both underway and camouflaged, interesting portrait. Q8 $ .75

Rescue Ships

Pigeon Class (ASR-21)

Twin hull SWATH ships designed to carry and support the DSRV submersible, and support other deep diving evolutions. Used mostly in the event of a submarine disaster, they have been decommissioned and replaced with leased civilian equipment

USS Pigeon ASR-21

Set ASR21A 7 views, from shore, 1 overall stbd. side, 6 details, mosaic along stbd. side Q8 $ 5.25

USS Ortland ASR-22

Set ASR22A 5 views, 1 nice overall ¾ bow stbd from elevated vantage point, 1 view DSRV, 3 details, interior bridge, stbd bow,1 detail 20mm gun mount. Bow detail is partially obstructed, else a Q8 set Q7 $ 3.75

Hospital Ships

USNS Mercy T-AH19

Converted from an oil tanker, this very large hospital ship was homeported in Alameda, CA for many years. Photographed June 1997 upon her departure for her new homeport of San Diego, California  Photographed by Joe Campagna

Set TAH19A 15 views, from the G. Gate Bridge, 5overall, nice, 10 details, mosaic bow to stern from overhead. Q9 $ 11.25

Set TAH19B 19 views, 1 OA bow from pier, 7 interior vies, 11 views of exterior of ship, deck Q9 $ 14.25

Set TAH19C 14 views, interior details - operating rooms, wards etc. Q8 $ 10.50

Roll On/ Roll Off Ships

MV Cape Orlando (T-AKR-2044)

Roll On / Roll Off ship  part of the ready reserve fleet.  Photographed at San Francisco, CA  October 2015

Set TAKR2044 A   7 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, mosaic bow to stern plus overalls.   Q8, backlit a bit.   Better as a digitaly delivered set so you can zoom on the details.   $ 5.25


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