SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / US Naval Aviation
Although we are primarily a resource for ship photography, we realize that there is also an interest in those aviation subjects associated with naval matters, so we have started a new section for those who want them.
Naval Aircraft
Electronic Counter Measures Aircraft
EA-6B Prowler
The only ECM aircraft left in the US Military, these are used to aid strikes deep into enemy territory by confusing air defense networks.
Set EA6BA 10 views, all around aircraft, good details. Shot aboard CV-64. Q9 $ 7.50
S-3 Viking
Carrier based Antisubmarine warfare aircraft
Set S3A 11 views, all around aircraft, includes views of sonabuoy dispensers under aircraft, shot aboard CV-64. Q9 $ 8.25
Naval Helicopters
SH60B Lamps III These helicopters are used by the US Navy for anti-submarine warfare as well as a variety of other tasks. They operated from frigates, destroyers and cruisers, as well as from shore.
Set SH60BA 9 views, close details, with a dimension stick, of SH60B on CG-62, very useful. Q 9 $ 6.75
Antisubmarine warfare aircraft operated from Aircraft Carriers.
Set SH60FA 18 views, walking all around helo, great details, helo is in folded, stored position - very useful for modeling . Q9 $ 13.50
SH-2F Lamps I
Set SH2FA 3 views, in flight, overall $ 2.25
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