SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / United States Coast Guard

US Coast Guard

Legend Class NationalSecurity Cutter (418')
Hamilton Class High Endurance Cutter (378')
Secretary Class High Endurance Cutter (327')
Bear Class Medium Endurance Cutter (270')
Reliance Class Medium Endurance Cutter (210')
Acushnet Class Medium Endurance Cutter (213')
Balsam Class Medium Endurance Cutter (180')
Algonquin Class Gunboat (165')
Island Class Patrol Boat (110')
Point Class Patrol Boat (82')
Small Craft
Buoy Tenders

Legend Class National Security Cutter

The Legend class is being built to eventually replace the Hamilton class cutters.  They are the largest cutters ever built for the Coast Guard, and represent the keystone of the "Blue Water Project", a series of programs intended to modernize the Coast Guard and better help it meet the missions of the 21st Century.  

USCG Bertholf WMSL-750

Photographed at Alameda, CA and in San Francisco Bay, October 2008

Set WMSL750A 35 photos, details and overall views of port side.  Q9 $ 26.25

Set WMSL750B 33 photos, from Golden Gate Bridge, overall and overhead shots as ship passes under, slight port angle.  Ship is approaching vantage point Q9 $ 24.75

Set WMSL750C 28 photos, from Golden Gate Bridge, starboard side from above, ship is steaming away from vantage point Q9 $ 21.00

Set WMSL750D 21 views, from pier, 3 overall views, bow on, slight port and slight stbd angle, 18 details, anchor, coast guard emblem, side details. Q9 $ 15.75

Set WMSL750E 43 views, onboard details, extensive coverage of boat handling area, also interior hange, flight deck.  Q9  $ 32.25

Set WMSL750F 39 views, onboard details, bridge, forecastle, gun, bridge front  Q9  $ 29.25

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High Endurance Cutters WHEC

Hamilton Class (378')

Built during the late 60's and early 70's, these handsome ships are the largest in the Coast Guard's inventory, next to the Polar Class Icebreakers. They are being modified in a FRAM program, upgrading the 5" gun to the Oto Melara 76mm, adding Harpoon missiles, Mk 32 torpedo tubes, etc.

USCG Dallas WHEC-716

Set taken 6/94 in the English Channel

Set WHEC716A 4 views, 2 very nice overall, ¾ bow port, ¾ stbd port, 2 views of HH65A helicopter on fantail Q9 $ 3.00

USCG Mellon WHEC-717

Set WHEC717A 9 views, 3 overall, 2 from boat, 1 from shore, 3 o/b details, fosc'l, 3 details of bow from pier. Q8 $ 6.75

Set WHEC717B 2 views, from boat, Starboard overall, details, fore portion of ship. Q8 $ 1.50

Set WHEC717C 5 views, from boat,1 ¾ stbd bow overall, 4 details, amidships. Q8 $ 3.75

Set WHEC717E 23 views, from boat, pier and o/b. Overalls from various angles, good onboards too. Q8 $ 17.25

Set WHEC717F 33 views, onboard details, Harpoon launchers, T. Tubes, hanger, front of bridge. Q8 $ 24.75

Set WHEC717G 1 view, bow on overall, ship is docked. Q7 $ .75

Set WHEC717H 34 views, 1 underway, 33 good o/b details Q8 $ 25.50

Set WHEC717I 12 views, from boat, 1 overall ¾ bow stbd, 11 details looking up from boat. Q8 $ 9.00

USCG Chase WHEC-718

Photographed 10/00 at San Francisco

Set WHEC718A 10 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one oa.stbd side 9 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd side Q9 $ 7.50

USCG Boutwell WHEC-719 Photographed 10/02 at San Francisco, CA

Set WHEC719A 17 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ bow stbd oa, 17 details, mosaic bow to stern . Q9 $ 12.75

Photographed 10/09 at San Francisco, CA

Set WHEC719B, 10 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, along starboard side as ship passes under, 1 overall port, 9 details, mosaic bow to stern.  Q9  $ 7.50

USCG Morgenthau WHEC-722

Set WHEC722A 3 views, port, underway. Q7 $ 2.25

Set WHEC722B 1 ¾ stern from pier. Q7 $ .75

Set WHEC722C 22 views, 2 overalls from dock, 3 details of bridge front from pier, 17 other details. Q8 $ 16.50

Set WHEC722D 1 view, underway overall from port. Q7 $ .75

Taken 10/2005 at San Francisco

Set WHEC722E 20 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 oa stbd side slight stern angle, 19 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under Q9 $ 15.00

USCG Rush WHEC-723

Sets taken 10-97 during San Francisco's Fleet Week Celebration

Set WHEC723A 1 view from Golden Gate Bridge, nice vertical format ¾ bow starboard overall portrait. Q9 $ .75

Set WHEC723B 15 views from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall nice, 13 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes below. Q8 $ 11.25

USCG Munro WHEC-724

Set WHEC724A 6 views of bridge area from pier Q7 $ 4.50

Set WHEC724B 8 views, details Q7 $ 6.00

Set WHEC724C 17 views, nice details Q8 $ 12.75

Set WHEC724D 4 views, details along stbd side from pier Q7 $ 3.00

Sets taken 10-95 at San Francisco's Fleet Week celebration

Set WHEC724E 1 overall view of docked ship, ¾ bow stbd, taken from boat. Q8 $ .75

Set WHEC724F 6 views from Golden Gate bridge, 1 overall ¾ stbd. stern, 5 details as ship passes by, nice Q9 $ 4.50

USCG Jarvis WHEC-725

Sets taken 10-94 San Francisco, CA

Set WHEC725A 12 views, on board and from dock, 10 details 2 3/4 port bow overall Q8 $ 9.00

Set WHEC725B 12 detail views Q9 $ 9.00

Set WHEC725C 9 views from dock, 2 oa, 7 good details Q9 $ 6.75

Set WHEC725D 12 views of ship passing under Golden Gate Bridge, 4 overall, 8 details. Q9 $ 9.00

Set WHEC725E 10 views, from dock, 2 overall, 8 details, nice Q9 $ 7.50

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Campbell or Secretary Class (327')

Built during the mid 1930's, serving well into the 80's (Nobody can accuse the Coast Guard of not getting full value from their ships!), these large cutters all saw service in a variety of wars and lower level conflicts. Considered among the most handsome vessels ever built for the Coast Guard, they have all left the fleet. Two are preserved as memorials.

USCG Ingham WHEC-35

Photographed at Charleston, SC 9/93 as a museum vessel.

Set WHEC35A 12 views looking down from an adjacent vessel, nice details. Q8 $ 9.00

Set WHEC35B 6 details of superstructure, same vantage point as above Q8 $ 4.50

Set WHEC35C 1 overall view, nice Q8 $ .75

Set WHEC35D 3 detail view from elevated vantage point. Q8 $ 2.25

USCG Taney WHEC-37

The Taney, a Pearl Harbor survivor, is preserved at Baltimore, MD. Photographed 8/94

Set WHEC37A 3 views from pier, 2 overalls, bow on and ¾ bow port, 1 detail of anchor. Q9 $ 2.25

Set WHEC37B 24 views, onboard details, fosc'l area, 5" gun, deckhouse, mast. Q9 $ 18.00

Set WHEC37C 25 views, on board details, RIB boat, wooden ship's boat, bridge, stack, deck details. Q9 $ 18.75

Set WHEC37D 21 views, 5 onboard etails, 16 useful views from opposite pier, useful. Q9 $ 15.75

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Polar Class 399' Icebreaker used in Arctic and Antarctic waters

USCG Polar Sea WAGB-11

Taken in European waters, 8/87

Set WAGB11 1 view, starboard side overall. Q8 $ .75

USCG Polar Star WAGB-10 .

Taken 9-94 Seattle WA

Set WAGB10A 20 o/b details Q7 $ 15.00

Set WAGB10B 8 views from pier Q8 $ 6.00

Set WAGB10C 24 o/b details, bridge, upperworks, masts, fosc'l Q8 $ 18.00

Set WAGB10D 22 views from dock, port, stbd, bow, some details, a bit dark Q7 $ 16.50

Healy Class

New Icebreaker class just in service 2001

USCG Healy WAGB-20

Photographed 5/01 San Francisco, CA

Set WAGB 20A 27 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall, 3/4 starboard bow, 26 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under Q9 $ 19.50

Set WAGB 20B 23 views, from pier, mosaic bow to stern along port side. Q9 $ 17.25

Set WAGB 20C 22 views, onboard, bow gear, stern gear, details on top of the bridge, icebreaking bridge Q9 $ 16.50

Set WAGB 20D 24 views, onboard, stern gear, hanger exterior, stack RIB, flight deck markings, crane Q9 $ 18.00

Set WAGB 20E 24 views, onboard, RIB, LCVP, Bridge Interior and exterior stack, top deck details Q9 $ 18.00

Set WAGB 20F 4 views, onboard, hanger interior, looking down at stern deck crane and gear Q9 $ 3.00

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Medium Endurance Cutters WMEC

Bear Class (270')

USCG Escanaba WMEC-907

Taken at Chicago, IL by Paul Doman

Set WMEC907A 20 views from shore, useful port and stbd. Q8 $15.00

Set WMEC907B 13 detail views along stbd. side, from shore Q8 $ 9.75

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Reliance Class (210')

USCG Active WMEC-618

Photographed at San Francisco, CA 10-96 during Fleet Week

Set WMEC618B 4 views, from Golden Gate Bridge 1 nice overall starboard, 3 details, bow to stern mosaic. Nice Q9 $ 3.00

Set WMEC618C 12 views, on board, Fosc'l, bridge front, 20mm gun. Q8 $ 9.00

Se4 WMEC618D 24 Views, on board, interior bridge, mast, upperworks, look down on fosc'l Q8 $ 18.00

Set WMEC618E 17views, on board, Aft Superstructure, interior bridge, misc main deck views Q8 $ 12.75

Set WMEC618F 25 Views, from pier, 2 overall , bow and stern, 23 details walking alongside, looking up Q8 $ 18.75

Photographed at San Francisco, CA 10/03 during Fleet Week

Set WMEC618G 8 Views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 bow on overall, 7 details, mosaic bow to stern from directly above Q9 $ 6.00

Set WMEC618H15 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 3/4 port bow view, 14 details, mosaic bow to stern along port side Q9 $ 11.25

USCG Steadfast WMEC-623

Photographed at San Francisco, 10/06

Set WMEC623A 24 views, from shore pier, port side of hull, lots of details, starboard side shots from across pier, nice set Q9 $ 18.00

Set WMEC623B 24 views, 7 onboard details, fantail area, life rafts, stack, 17 views from pier, bridge area, hull, mast, ss Q9 $ 18.00

Set WMEC623C 24 views, onboard details, fosc'l area, bulwark, bridge front, Bushmaster gun, winch, ammo lockers Q9 $ 18.00

Set WMEC623D 24 views, onboard details, boat storage, davit, passageway, fantail details, aft capstan, ladder Q0 $ 18.00

USCG Alert WMEC-630

Set WMEC630A 10 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 Stbd side overall, 9 details, mosaic from bow to stern along stbd     Q9     $ 7.50

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Acushnet Class (213')

Former US Navy Salvage ship transferred to the Coast Guard after WWII.

USCG Acushet WMEC-167

Photographed at San Francisco, 10/93

Set WMEC167A 4 views of bridge area from pier. Q7 $ 3.00

Set WMEC167B 24 detail views all around vessel, very nice, useful views. Q9 $ 18.00

Set WMEC167C 7 views, details. Q8 $ 5.25

Set WMEC167D 5 views, details. Q8 $ 3.75

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Balsam Class (180')

Former Seagoing Buoy Tender pressed into service as a medium endurance cutter in 1979. She has had the characteristic bridge boom removed as part of the conversion.

USS Citrus WMEC-300

Set WMEC300A 1 view, ¾ starboard bow overall. Q8 $ .75

Set WMEC300B 30 views onboard and from dock, 6 overall and similar views, 24 details all around ship. Q8 $ 22.50

Set WMEC300C 9 views, from boat, 3 of ship underway, OA along stbd side, 1 overall at pier, 5 details along stbd side. Q8 $ 6.75

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Algonquin Class (165')

Built during the early 30's. They saw extensive service during World War II.

USCG Mohawk WPG-78

Sold after the war, the ship has been preserved as a working memorial at Wilmington, DE.

Set WPG78A 16 views from dock, detail views. Q8 $ 12.00

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Patrol Boats

Island Class (110')

Built during the 80's and early 90's to replace and improve on earlier, smaller patrol boats. They were built to a design by Vosper Thornycroft in England.

USCG Edisto WPB-1313

Set WPB 1313A 17 views, o/b and from shore, mostly details Taken By Paul Doman Q8 $ 12.75

USCG Sanibel WPB-1312

Set WPB 1312 13 views from shore, some details. Taken by Paul Doman Q7 $ 9.75

USCG Long Island WPB-1342

Set WPB1342A 5 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one overall 4 details as ship passes under Q8 $ 3.75

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Point Class (82')

43 boats of this class were built during the 60's, making it one of the most common sites in harbors around the US. Many are still active.

USCG Point Brower WPB-82372

Set WPB82372AA 32 views, both on vessel and from adjoining dock. Great details all around. Q8 $ 24.00

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Small Craft

41' Utility Boat

Set 41404A 8 views, from shore, boat is underway, 4 overall, port and starboard, 4 details Q9 $ 6.00

47' Utility Boat

Just entering service, they are designed for dealing with very heavy surf

Set 47245A 3 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, , overalls as boat passes beneath Q8 $ 2.25

Set 47245B 1 view, as above, boat is heading away in this shot Q8 $ .75

Set 47245 C 10 views, from pier, details of boat tied up to dock, good details of pilot house, railings mast Q9 $ 7.50

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Buoy Tenders

Keeper Class Just coming into service replacing the tenders built during the 40's and 60's, named after famous Lighthouse Keepers.

USCG Joshua Appleby WLM-556 Taken by Marc Delerson, 10/99 at Port Everglades, Florida

Set WLM556A 6 views, onboard and from pier, 4 onboard details, buoy deck, 2 views of stern area Q9 $ 4.50

Balsam Class, SLEP (Service Life Extension Program)

USCG Buttonwood WLB-306

Set WLB306 9 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall bow on, slight port angle, 7 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes below, Q9 6.75

USCG Mariposa WLB-397

Photographed 3/94 at San Diego, CA.

Set WLB397A 20 views, from opposite pier, nice details. Q8 $ 15.00

USCG Acacia WLB-406

Set WLB406A 5views from shore, details Q8 $ 3.75

Set WLB406B 12 details from shore Q8 $ 9.00

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Small Harbor Tugs 65' Type

Photographed by Paul Doman

USCG Capstan WYTL 65601

Set WYTL60651A 14 views, from pier, 4 overall from various angles, 10 good details from dock. Q9 $ 10.50

USCG Cleat WYTL 65615

Set WYTL65615 8 views, from pier, 1 overall, ¾ bow port, 7 details from pier. Q9 $ 6.00

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Once a common site outside the ports of the US, they have been replaced with a variety of other aids to navigation, including radio and light sea buoys. A Note on names: The Lightships took the name of the station that they were on at the time, so the same ship might have different names at different times, or there would be more than one ship with the same name. Confused? - try sorting the pictures sometime!

Chesapeake Lightship

Photographed at Baltimore MD, August 1994

Set LS1A 24 views, 2 overall, bow on, 22 nice on board details. Q9 $ 18.00

Nantucket Lightship

Taken at Boston, MA, August 1994

Set LS2A 15 views, both overall and good details from dock. Q9 $ 11.25

Nantucket Lightship

Taken at New York City, August 1994, at the Intrepid Museum; a different ship than above.

Set LS2B 15 views, looking down on ship from adjacent Aircraft Carrier, great details. Q9 $ 11.25

Portsmouth Lightship

Taken at Portsmouth, VA September, 1993 She is in a landlocked display.

Set LS3A 4 details of ship. Q8 $ 3.00

Set LS3B 2 views, 1 ¾ stbd stern overall, 1 close-uo. Q8 $ 1.50

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