SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / US Navy Minesweepers


Avenger Class MCM-1

USS Avenger MCM-1

Photographed at Charleston, SC by Sam Snavely.

Set MCM1A 2 views, fore and aft half of ship on stbd. side. Clutter in foreground. Q8 $ 1.50

Photographed 5/01 at San Francisco

Set MCM1B 10 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 oa bow on, slight port angle, 8 details, mosaci bow to stern as ship passes under Q9 $ 7.50

Set MCM1 C 5 views, from flight deck of LHD, overall shots of stern of MCM 1 and MCM 6 Q9 $ 3.75

USS Defender MCM-2

Photographed 8/93 in European waters.

Set MCM2A 5 views, from shore, 2 ¾ bow stbd overall, 1 ¾ stbd stern overall, 2 details, stern and amidships. Q9 $ 3.75

Photographed by Paul Doman in Chicago during the late 1990's.

Set MCM2B 12 views, most from pier, 1 overall bow on, 11 details along starboard side of crane, deck fittings, stack, mast. Q8 $ 9.00

USS Sentry MCM-3

Photographed 8/93 in European waters.

Set MCM3A 3 overall views, from shore, 2 overall ¾ bow stbd, 1 ¾ port stern overall. Q9 $ 2.25

USS Devastator MCM-6

Photographed 8/93 in European waters.

Set MCM6A 5 views, from shore,1 ¾ bow stbd OA,1 portside overall, 3 details as ship passes. Q9 $ 5.25

Photographed 5/01 in San Francisco

Set MCM6 B 18 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall, 3/4 bow stbd 16 details, mosaic bow to stern almost directly over Q9 $ 13.50

Set MCM6 C 16 views. from pier, details of ROV, other sweep gear, superstructure, mast, bow gear, bow Q9 $ 12.00

Set MCM6 D 11 views. from pier, stern details, minesweep gear details Q9 $ 8.25

USS Scout MCM-8

Photographed 8/93 in European waters.

Set MCM8A 5 views, from shore, ¾ bow stbd overall, 1 portside overall, 1 stern detail. Q9 $ 3.75

Set MCM8B 1 view, from elevated position on shore, ¾ bow stbd overall. Q8 $ .75

Photographed 5/01 at San Francisco

Set MCM8 C 12 views, from adjacent vessel, details from boat to stack, looking slightly down Q9 $ 9.00

Set MCM8 D 11 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, on overall bow on, 10 details bow to stern as ship passes directly under Q9 $ 8.25

USS Pioneer MCM-9

Photographed 7/95 in European waters.

Set MCM9A 1 view, from elevated shore position, starboard side, slight stern angle. Q8 $ .75

Photographed October, 2010 in San Francisco

Set MCM9B 19 views, one overall, bow on, 18 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes underneath. Q9  $14.25

Set MCM9C 21 views as ship enters bay, one overall starboard, 20 details mosaci bow to stern as ship passes under.  $  15.75

Set MCM9D 16 views, on board details, bridge area, above bridge, mast, SATCOM dish, antenna foundation.  Q9 $ 12.00

Set MCM9E 23 views, mostly of minesweeper gear including winch, crane and paravane. Q9  $ 17.25

Set MCM9F 20 views, minesweeper gear, including several views of remote operated minehunter. Q9 $ 15.00

Set MCM8G 19 views, focs'l area and front of bridge, ground tackle,. mast, waterbreak.  Q9 $ 14.25

USS Ardent MCM-12

Photographed 7/95 in European waters.

Set MCM12A 1 view, from shore, portside overall of ship at pier. Q9 $ .75

USS Chief MCM-14

Photographed 7/95 in European waters.

Set MCM14A 1 view, from shore, portside overall of ship at pier. Q9 $ .75

Photographed 10/99 Port Everglades Florida, by Marc Delerson

Set MCM14B 4 views, from pier, 1 3/4 bow stbd. OA, 3 details, amidships area Q9 $ 3.00

Photographed 5/01 at San Francisco

Set MCM 14D 35 Views, onboard, aft minesweeping gear, ROV, stack, fosc'l details from bridge wings. Q9 $ 26.25

Set MCM 14E 4 views, one onboard, view of stack front, 3 from pier, details of aft deck Q9 $ 3.00

Set MCM 14F 4 views, onboard, 3 views of mast structure looking up on top deck, one top deck detail Q9 $ 3.00

Set MCM 14G 24 views, from pier, one overall ¾ bow port, 23 details along port side, a bit dark Q8 $ 18.00

Set MCM-14 G

Set MCM14H 10 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one overall port side, slight bow angle, 9 details mosaic bow to stern along port side Q9 $ 7.50

Photographed October 2010 at San Francisco

Set MCM14I 17 views, one overall, bow on, 16 details, mosaic bow to stern almost directly beneath. Q9  $ 12.75

Set MCM14J 14 views, from elevated postion across from pier, one overall, 13 details along starboard side.  There are some sailboat masts in foreground, otherwise a Q9.  Q8 $ 10.50

Set MCM14K 22 views, one overall 3/4 stern port, 21 details bow to stern as ship passes underneath.  Q8, a little backlighting but very useful.  $ 16.50

Osprey Class MHC-51

Coastal Minehunters , not as capable as the larger Avenger Class, but can augment them when needed.

USS Kingfisher MHC-56

Photographed by Paul Doman in Chicago.

Set MHC56A 7 views, mostly from pier, 1 stern view, mast, aft crane details. Q8 $ 5.25

Aggressive Class MSO-421

These ships were built in large numbers during and after the Korean War; most if not all , are gone from the fleet.

USS Implicit MSO-455

Photographed 6/91 at San Francisco

Set MSO455A 2 ¾ bow port views. Q7 $ 1.50

Set MSO455B 24 details, bridge, stack, masts, sweep gear, lots of details in this set. Q8 $ 18.00

Set MSO455C 2 ¾ bow port views. Q7 $ 1.50

The following views were shot on 9-30-94, her last day in the US Navy, Now serving in Taiwan's Navy.

Set MSO455D 24 o/b details, nice, Q8 $18.00

Set MSO455E 21 views, some details, most overall, include some views of another MSO. Q8 $ 15.75

Set MSO455F 20 views of the decom ceremony, includes mast, bridge, sweep details. Q8 $ 15.00

Set MSO455G 14 views, 11 details, 1 3/4 stbd stern, 2 bow views of other MSO Q8 $ 10.50

Set MSO455H 24 on board details, winches, sweep, deckhouse, fosc'l. Q9 $ 18/00

Admirable AM-136 Class Minesweepers

Well over 100 of these 180' Minesweepers were built during World War II, most discarded in the 60's.

USS Hazard AM-240

Now a landlocked museum ship preserved at Omaha, Nebraska. Photographed by T. Hade.

Set AM240A 22 views, onboard and around ship; guns, mast, superstructure, includes overall views. 1986 - ship is in overall gray Q8 $ 16.50

Set AM240B 11 views, 4 onboard details, 6 overall + detail views around ship, 1 view other exhibit. 1992 - ship is in camouflage Q8 $ 8.25

Set AM240C 5 views, 4 overall, stern, ¾ stern port, I detail, aft part of bridge area. !992 Q8 $ 3.75

Note: We also have sets for the Inaugural (AM-242) taken at St. Louis were she is also a museum ship

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6/17 Version 2.8