SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / British Royal Navy Warships

United Kingdom


Town Class Cruiser

HMS Belfast C-35

Preserved ship in London, on the river Thames. She participated in the sinking of the Scharnhorst, among other battles. An example of a modernized Town class.

Set C35A 17 views, on board, main deck, exterior, stern Q7 $ 12.75

Set C35B 10 views exterior views from dock, I view of dock. Q7 $ 7.50

Set C35C 31 views, 22 details, 9 shots of interior displays. Q7 $ 23.25

Set C35D 37 detail views on board, guns, masts, bridge, etc. Q7 $ 27.75

Set C35E 23 views from boat on river, some nice overall portrait views plus details Q8 $ 17.25


Swiftsure Class Nuclear Attack Submarines

Highly advanced, quiet submarines

HMS Spartan S-111

Set S111A 5 views, from shore, 3 portraits, 3/4 sdtbd bowd, starboard, 2 details, sail, hull mounted sonar Q9 $ 3.75


County Class - see Latin America section


Duke (Type 23) class general purpose frigates

Equipped with both Harpoon launchers and a vertical launch system for Sea Wolf missiles.

HMS Norfolk F-230

Photos taken at San Francisco, 6/97, during a port visit.

Set F230A 24 views, on board, along main deck, deckhouse details, Harpoon launcher, underside of mast, etc. Q9 $ 18.00

Set F230B 24 views, on board, aft area, inside helo hanger, torpedo tube doors, hanger door, aft side of mast, etc. Q9 $ 18.00

Set F230C 23 views, on board, fosc'l area, main gun, Harpoon launcher, anchor gear, interior gun house. Q9 $ 17.25

Set F230D 14 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 bow on overall, 13 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes below. Q9 $ 11.50

Cornwall (Type 22) class general purpose frigates

HMS Cornwall F-99

Set F99A 9 views, 7 overall views from boat and shore, various angles, 2 details amidships, helo deck. Q9 $ 6.75

Photographed October 3, 2006 at Brunsbüttel, Kiel Canal by Frank Findler

Set F99B 17 views, from shore, one overall stbd side slight bow angle, 16 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd. side   Q8  $ 12.75

HMS Campbeltown  F-86

Set F86A 3 views, overalls, 3/4 bow stbd, starboard bow, stern stbd faint scratches in negative Q8 $ 2.25

Amazon Class (Type 21) class general purpose frigates

Photographed by Lee Upshaw

HMS Active F-171

Set F171A 33 views, mostly onboard details, a few from dock, views all around main deck, weapons, mast, fosc'l Q8 $ 24.75

Amphibious Warfare Ships

RFA Lyme Bay (L3007)

A Bay class auxiliary landing ship dock (LSD(A)) of the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary.  Photographed by Frank Findler, Dan Helder, The Netherlands, June, 2008

Set L3007A 36 views, from pier, details on port and starboard sides of ship.  Q9   $ 27.00

Leander Class - see Latin America Section

Royal Yacht Britannia

Set A00A 3 views, overall from shore. ¾ bow starboard, ¾ stern starboard, portside. Q8 $ 2.25

Early Battleship

HMS Warrior

The worlds first ironclad battleship, built in 1860 (more or less) restored to pristine condition and on display at Portsmouth, England. Photographed May 1992.

Set Warrior A 25 views, 8 of exterior, 17 interior views. Q8 $ 18.75

Set Warrior B 34 views, 32 good on board details, 2 overall views, ¾ stbd. from moderate distance. Q8 $ 25.50

Set Warrior C 2 views, ¾ bow stbd. Q8 $ 1.50

Ship of the Line

HMS Victory

This is one of the best preserved sailing warships in the world, kept as a shrine to England's rich maritime heritage. The Victory was made famous as Lord Nelson's flagship at the battle of Trafalgar.

Set Victory A 11 views from dock, some details. Taken 5/92 at Portsmouth, England. Q7 $ 8.25

Please Note - we have many pictures of recent British warships, primarily Destroyers and Frigates, though we have other types. These are mostly single, overall views. Let me know which ship or class you are looking for.

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6/17 Version 2.4