SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Tugs and Towboats

Tugs and Towboats

Chevron Richmond

Set Tug1A 5 views, stern port and starboard.. Q7 $ 3.75

Set Tug1B 12 views, looking down at tug from ship. Q8 $ 9.00

S/R Golden State

Set Tug 3A 7 views, looking down on tug from Golden Gate Bridge, good info. Q8 $ 5.25

Joseph Sause

Set Tug4A 13 views, looking down from Golden Gate Bridge, includes some views of barge tug is towing. Nice. Q9 $ 9.75

Mister Randy

Set Tug5A 4 views, underway, port and stbd. Taken in San Diego. Q8 $ 3.00


Nice tug from the early part of this century.

Set Tug6 A14 views, details from dock, nice Q9 $ 10.50

Set Tug6B 2 views, ¾ bow port overall. Q8 $ 1.50

Ned Hanlon

Preserved at Toronto, this early tug is in excellent shape.

Set Tug7A 17 views, around drydock tug. Exterior only. Q9 $ 12.75

Delta Cathryn

Classic looking american tug, photographed on San Francisco Bay

Tug 17A 6 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 nice overall ¾ bow port, 5 good details, mosaic along port side as ship passes . Q9 $ 4.50

C-Tractor 7

This tug and her sisters are owned by Choest Marine, and can be found In San Diego Harbor where they handle Navy warships under contract.

Set Tug16A 17 views, from Destroyer deck, 3 overall, includes 2 shots of Tug # 10, 14 details of tug, deckhouse, fittings, winch, etc. nice. Q9 $ 12.75

Invader - Crowley Maritime

Set Tug12A 8 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, overall views, ¾ stbd bow, closer details from above. Q9 $ 6.00

Sea Vixen and Barge Alaska - Crowley Maritime

Set Tug 18 6 views, 1 port side overall of tug, 1 of barge, 4 details, , mosaic bow to stern as barge passes, from Golden Gate Bridge. Q9 $ 4.50

Andrew Foss - Tractor Tug

Set Tug 14B 23 views, from pier, 3 overall bow and stern, 20 good, useful details along port side, very nice set Q9 $ 17.25

Keegan Foss - Twin Screw Tug

Photographed 12/00 at San Francisco, this is the former Chevron Richmond

Set Tug 21A 8 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 oa, bow on slight port angle, 6 details, mosaic bow to stern as tug passes under Q9 $ 6.00

Les Eason

Set Tug15A 3 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 view tug, 1 view oil barge, 1 overall of both. Q9 $ 2.25

Eppelton Hall

Set Tug 19A 15 views, from elevated pier location, 5 overall, ¾ stern port, port stern, 10 good details. Interesting! Q9 $ 11.25

New York Central No. 16

Found this one in the parking lot of a restaurant near Cape Cod, classic Railroad Tug

Set Tug20A 6 views of land locked tug on dispaly near Cape Cod, 1 overall bow view, 6 details pilot house, ss side, stack, mast Q9 $ 4.50

C-Tractor 9

Civilian Tug under Navy contract in San Diego, used to assist in the docking of warships and submarines. Taken 10/02

Set Tug21A 3 views, from shore,. Nice overall shots, one bow on, 2 ¾ port stern. Q9 $ 2.25

Set Tug21B 10 views, from shore, 1 ¾ bow port overall, 9 details along port side as tug passes. Q9 $ 7.50

Delta Jessica

Delta Jessica Former Army ST tug, built during World War II and modified for civilian use later. A great resource for building the classic Revell Tug Kit.

Set Tug 22A 24 views from pier, 2 overall views, ¾ port bow, 22 details of bow and port side. Nice details Q9 $ 18.00

Blexen - built 1988 and operated by the URAG company in Germany.  Photographed by Frank Findler, April 2008

Set Tug 23A - 4 views, from shore, overalls.  Q9  $ 3.00

Saggitarian - Owned by Westar Marine Services of San Francisco.  Photographed 10/2008 at San Francisco

Set Tug 24 A, 15 views, a mixture of overall and detail shots from above.  Q9  $ 11.25

Photographed 10/2010 at San Francisco

Set Tug 24B   6 views, one overall and 5 details.  Q9  $ 4.50

Note:  These are two of our new digital sets, that can be blown up to at least 8 X 10 and often larger if you would like bigger prints.  Please contact us for details.

Marin Sunshine - Photographed October 2010 from adjacent warship.

Set 25A 10 views, 3/4 stbd bow from above, 9 detail shots.  Q9  $  7.50

Note:  This is one of our new digital sets, that can be blown up to at least 8 X 10 and often larger if you would like bigger prints.  Please contact us for details.

Henry Brusco - Brusco Tug and Barge Inc.   Photographed July, 2010 at San Francisco

Set Tug 26A 28 views, from pier, 2 overall, starboard side, 28 details along starboard side.   Q9  $ 21.00

Note:  This is one of our new digital sets, that can be blown up to at least 8 X 10 and often larger if you would like bigger prints.  Please contact us for details.

Moran Company Tugs

A favorite of mine, due to their long association with the great liners. Tugs of the Moran Company have been a fixture on the East Coast for many years.

Shot at Baltimore., MD

You may recognize this location if you are a fan of the TV series "Homicide", a Baltimore police station shares the pier.

Cedar Point

Set Moran 1 8 views, details from opposite dock. Q9 $ 6.00

Cedar Point / Patricia Moran

Set Moran 2 25 views, details from opposite pier, nice. Q9 $ 18.75

Cedar Point / Patricia Moran

Set Moran 3 12 views, as above. Q9 $ 9.00

Norfolk, VA, sets taken 9/93

Cape Henry

Set Moran 4 5 views, 1 overall, 4 detailed. Q8 $ 3.75

Misc. Tugs Includes Town Point, Harriet Moran, others.

Set Moran 5 16 views, underway and docked, taken from tour boat. Q8 $ 12.00

Philadelphia, PA, sets taken 9/94

Harriet Moran

Set Moran 6 17 views, nice details taken from dock adjacent to boat. Q9 $ 12.75

Older Moran Tug

Set Moran7 4 details of burned out hulk. Q9 $ 3.00

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