SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / US Navy PT and Special Warfare Craft
These ships that deliver and support the SEALS. Interesting!
Set PC4A 14 views, o/b and from dock, details. Q8 $ 10.50
Set PC4B 24 o/b views, Many good details in this set. Q9 $ 18.00
Set PC4C 2 overall views of port side $ Q8 $ 1.50
Set PC4D 22 o/b details, mast, bridge, fosc'l Q9 $ 16.50
Set PC4E 1 starboard overall view, underway from pier Q9 $ .75
Set PC4F 1 overall portrait, ¾ port stern, ship is camouflaged, SD 3/97 Q8 $ .75
This set features interesting views of the Camouflaged USS Typhoon, taken in overseas waters. Courtesy L. Van Ginderin Collection.
Set PC5A 3 views, from boat, all overall views. 1 ¾ bow port, 1 port overall, 1 ¾ stern stbd, vessel is underway in last views. Nice set. Q9 $ 2.25
Photographed 6/95 in European waters.
Set PC6A 1 view, starboard side view of ship underway at slow speed. Q8 $ .75
Photographed 1999 at San Francisco, CA
Set PC8A 8 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 nice overall ¾ bow port, 7 details, one a bit blurry, but useful. Q8 $ 6.00
Set PC8B 10 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 nice overalls, bow on, and slight stbd angle, 8 details, mosaic bow to stern. Nice Q9 $ 7.50
Photographed 5/95
Set PC10A 1 view, starboard side overall from shore, ship is underway. Q8 $ .75
Set PC12A 4 views, from shore, one bow on overall, 3 details of weapons Taken 6/97 Q9 $ 3.00
Set PC12B 12 views, from pier, 10 nice overalls, different angles, 2 details, amidships area Taken 9/92 Q9 $ 9.00
PT Museum at Fall River, MA PT 617 This museum has two boats on display, and is a very good source for information on the "mosquito boats", those plywood hulled, avgas fueled chariots of fire.
Set PTMA 21 views, inside museum, includes views of PT-617 Q7 $ 15.75
Set PTMB 2 views of PT boat bow, from underneath Q8 $ 1.50
This example of a PBR represents those that served in large numbers during the Vietnam conflict, and is preserved in Charleston, SC
Set PBRA 4 views of PBR in water display, bow and stern Q8 $ 3.00
PTF Fast Patrol Boats
Osprey Class - used
during the Vietnam conflict, these 95' Patrol boats were an improvement
of the earlier Nasty class, substituting an aluminum hull for the wood
construction of the latter. They were heavily armed for their
size, carrying a combination .50 caliber machine gun/ 81 mm mortar on
the bow, 2 20mm guns on the wings and a 40mm gun aft.
PTF26 Photographed
October, 2010 at San Francisco, these are digital photos that can be
zoomed in on for greater detail if you choose electronci delivery.
Set PTF 26A 8 photos, from Golden Gate Bridge, vessel is passing underneath. Q9 $ 6.00
Set PTF26B 33 Photos, from pier, details bow to stern with one overall. Q9 $ 24.75
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