SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / US Navy Tugs

US Navy Tugs

Fleet Tugs

Smaller Harbor Tugs are listed under Yard and Service Craft

Powhaten Class (T-ATF 166 )

Very powerful tugs capable of pulling the largest ships in the Navy's inventory, built on a commercial design.

USS Narragansett T-ATF 167

Photographed 11/02 after she had been sold into Civilian Service.  Still looks much the same as she did while in the Navy, even down the haze gray paint.

Set TATF 167A 7 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one overall 3/4 port bow. Q9 $ 5.25

USS Navajo T-ATF 169

I have been taking pictures of this ship since before I started SeaPhoto. I really intend to build a model of her someday. Really.

Set TATF169A 11 views from pier. Q8 $ 8.25

Set TATF169B 21 views from boat, in San Diego harbor, good details. Q8 $ 15.75

Set TATF169C 1 port side view, docked in San Diego. Q7 $ .75

Set TATF169D 22 views, 21 of tug passing under the Golden Gate Bridge, real nice  Overhead set showing lots of details, 1 overall of YTB 813, Taken San Francisco, 3/94. Q9 $ 16.50

Set TATF169E 13 views, towing a decommissioned cruiser, some of these views are distant. Q7 $ 9.75

Set TATF169F 25 onboard details, bow, bow gear, front of bridge, interior views. Good useful views, but grainy as high speed film was used. Q6 $ 18.75

Set TATF169G 23 details views, top of bridge, masts, stacks, crossover between stacks. Q8 $ 17.25

Set TATF169H 11views inside bridge, details from dock, overall bow. Q8 $ 8.25

Set TATF169I 2 views of mast, upperworks. Q7 $ 1.50

Set TATF169J 24 views,, good details, very useful. Q9 $ 18.00

Set TATF169K 35 views, details, bridge, towing gear, winch. Q9 $ 26.25

Set TATF169L 24 views, on board details, very useful. Q9 $ 18.00

Set TATF169M 24 views, on board details, again, very useful. Q9 $ 18.00

Set TATF169N 23 views, from opposite pier, overall views plus details, useful. Q8 $ 17.25

Set TATF169O 12 views, from opposite pier, includes a couple of views of T-ATF-171 also. Q8 $ 9.00

Taken San Francisco, 4/98

Set TATF169P 9 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 4 overall views mostly bow on towing a ship, 5 details as she passes under. Q8 $ 6.75

Apache Class (ATF-67)

USS Moctobi ATF-105

Taken 1981 by Lee Upshaw

Set ATF105A 7 views, from pier, one overall ¾ stern port, 6 details along port side Q8 $ 5.25

USS Takelema ATF-113

Taken during the early 1980's by Lee Upshaw

Set ATF113A 26 views, onboard details, winch, main cabin, bow, mast, and deckhouse details. Q8 $ 19.50

Set ATF113B 17 views, onboard and from pier, 3 overall views, 14 details, upper deck details, views of cabin from pier Q8 slightly blue cast to pictures $ 12.75

Set ATF113C 24 views, upper deck details, mast details, aft deck details Q8 $ 18.00

Service and Yard Craft

Harbor Tugs

Note: Naval Harbor Tugs are being replaced in many locations by Commercial Tugs.  One organization that has contracts in San Diego and Port Everglades is the Chouest Company. Their tugs are in the commercial tugs section.

Natick Class

Large Harbor Tug (YTB-760) 75 of these 109' tugs were built during the 60's and early 70's. Many are being phased out in favor of civilian tug support at Naval Bases.

USS Escumbia YTB-762

Set YTB762A 7 views, looking down from ship, 5 good detail views, 2 nice overall shots of YTB-796 Q9 $ 5.25

Set YTB762B 10 views, from dock, 2 overall 3/4 port bow, 8 details pilot house, stack, cabin Q8 $ 7.50

USS Okmulgee YTB-765

Photographed at Norfolk, VA 5/99

Set YTB765A 7 views, from pier, 1 overall 3/4 port/stern, 8 details, mosaic stern to bow, very useful Q9 $ 5.25

Set YTB765B 9 views, from pier, 1 oa. bow on, 8 details of pilot house, hatch, fenders, stern area, stack Q9 $ 6.75

USS Chesaning YTB-769

Photographed at Norfolk, VA 5/99

Set YTB769A 14 views, from pier, nice mix of overall and close up shots as the tug maneuvered around in front Q9 $ 10.50

USS Marinette YTB-791

Set YTB791A 4 views, all overalls from various angles. Q9 $ 3.00

USS Saco YTB-796

Set YTB796A 1 view, starboard side overall looking down from ship.  Q8    $   .75

USS Accomac YTB-812

Set YTB812C 22 views, from pier, nice shots of tug working barge in, and very useful closeups of tug. Good info. Q8 $ 16.50

USS Poughkeepsie YTB-813

Set YTB813A 4 views passing under the Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall ¾ bow stbd, 3 good details, very useful. Q9 $ 3.00

Set YTB 813B 6 views of bow in drydock ,from about waterline up, foreground obscured. Attachment points for fenders. Q7 $ 4.50

Set YTB813C 3 views, 1 stbd side of # 813, 2 of port side of YTB-812. Q6 $ 2.25

Set YTB813E 2 views, ¾ stern starboard from overhead. Q9 $ 1.50

USS Tontogany YTB-821

Photographed at Norfolk, VA 5/99

Set YTB821A 15 views, from pier, 2 overall bow on , 13 details, mosaic stern to bow, very useful. Q9 $ 11.25

USS Pushmataha YTB-830

Set YTB830B 1 view, from shore, underway portrait of port side. Q9 $ .75

USS Dekaury YTB-178 Class

USS Dekaury YTB-178 - build in Florida, 1943, first used as a fireboat, later classified as YTB-178.  Photographed October, 2007 in San Francisco Bay.

Set YTB178A, 8 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall shots plus 6 details, mosaic bow to stern along starboard side.  Q9 $ 6.00

Note:  This is one of our new digital sets, that can be blown up to at least 8 X 10 and often larger if you would like bigger prints.  Please contact us for details.

YTM - Medium Harbor Tug

USS Hackensack YTM-750

Photographed at the Intrepid Museum in 1994, this is a former 107' Army tug.

Set YTM750A 12 details from dock. Q8 $ 9.00


Set YTM750B 1 view, overall, ¾ bow view. Q8 $ .75


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2/20 Version 2.9