SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Japanese Navy Warships
These large destroyers can carry 3 helicopters, and serve as flagships Photographed 7/96 at Alameda NAS.
Set DDH142A 4 views, 1 o/b bridge interior, 3 views from adjacent ship, bridge wing, fosc'l, ship's boat. Q9 $ 3.00
Set DDH142B 11 views from Golden Gate Bridge, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. Q9 $ 8.25
Set DDH142C 2 views, from shore, ship is passing under the Golden Gate Bridge, 1 OA Starboard, 1 detail. Q8 $ 1.50
Set DDH142D 7 views, from shore, 1 OA port side, 6 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes by. Q8 $ 5.25
Set DDH142E 9 views, 3 o/b, deck, 6 views looking up from pier, aft gun, mast, radar, boat storage. Q8 $ 6.75
Set DDH142F 9 views, o/b details, fosc'l area, main gun, anchor gear, deckhouse, ASROC reload crane. Q9 $ 6.75
Set DDH142G 4 views, from pier, mosaic from stern to front of bridge, starboard side, a bit dark. Q8 $ 3.00
Set DDH142H 13 views, o/b details, top of bridge, director, looking down at Fosc'l, SATCOM antennae, SRBOC Q8 $ 9.75
Set DDH142I 4 views, from roof of bridge, directors, range finder, Phalanx CIWS Q8 $ 3.00
This is the Japanese version of the Arleigh Burke class, but with some distinct differences - stack shape, superstructure height, helicopter deck arrangement and some weapons. All carry the names of famous World War II naval units. Interesting ships!
Photographed at Alameda NAS and SF Bay during July, 1996.
Set DDG174A 7 views, from pier, one stern OA, 6 details looking up at stack, mast, harpoon launcher. Q9 $ 5.25
Set DDG174B 21 views, most on board ,fosc'l area, main gun, anchor gear, deck details, superstructure. Q9 $ 15.75
Set DDG174C 21 views, from ship on opposite pier, nice overviews and details along port side, bridge, mast, etc. Q9 $ 15.75
Set DDG174D 9 views, from dock, looking up at bridge area, mast, radar, ECM pod, stacks. Q9 $ 6.75
Set DDG174E 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ bow stbd OA, 15 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes. Q9 $ 12.00
Set DDG174F 5 views, on board, Forward VLS, gun base, passageway through forward SS, 2 views fore SS Q9 $ 3.75
Set DDG174G 5 views, from ship across pier, mosaic bow to stern along port side, very good overviews. Q9 $ 3.75
Set DDG174H 7 views, looking down from CV flight deck, details of bow, bridge area, mast, some very useful Q9 $ 5.25
Set DDG174I 4 views, looking down from ship across pier, ship's boat, bridge, missile director, aft Phalanx. Q9 $ 3.00
Set DDG174J 18 views, o/b details, stern, helo deck, aft SS, VLS, torpedo tubes, Harpoon Launchers, radar Q9 $ 13.50
Set DDG174K 8 views, from opposite ship, details Harpoon area, stacks, amidships details, helo deck (this distant view) Q8 $ 6.00
Set DDG174L 9 views, from opposite ship, forward SS, stacks, vents, aft SS - similar to set K, but further aft on ship Q9 $ 6.75
Photographed in June 1997 at San Diego, California during the first Fleet Week celebration in that city.
Set DDG175A 7 shots, from shore, 1 overall port side, 6 details, mosaic bow to stern. Gray day, a bit hazy, but you can make out details of ship. Q8 $ 5.25
Photographed at Alameda NAS and SF Bay, July 1996
Set DDG168A 25 views, o/b and from pier, around main deck, weapons, superstructure, mast and radar. Q9 $ 18.75
Set DDG168B 11 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ bow port overall, hazy, 10 details, bow to stern, clear. Q9 $ 8.25
Set DDG168C 7 views, from shore, 2 overall stbd side, 5 details, mosaic as ship passes. Q8 $ 6.25
Set DDG168D 4 views, from behind on adjacent ship, stern detail, front SS, radar, masts. Q9 $ 3.00
Set DDG168E 4 views, from pier, bow, mast front, director, bridge front, bow detail. Q9 $ 3.00
Built during the late 80's, these are modern, fast, formidable ASW platforms.
Photographed 7/96 at Alameda NAS.
Set DD158A 16 views, onboard, SH60J Helicopter, Phalanx, Sea Sparrow launcher, helo hanger. Q9 $ 12.00
Set DD158B 24 views, o/b and mosaic of views along stbd. side, ASROC launcher, main gun, bridge front, mast, fosc'l. Q9 $ 18.00
Set DD158C 11 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 nice overall, 10 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. Q9 $ 8.25
Set DD158D 6 views, looking down from adjacent ship, radar, director, mast, stack tops, searchlight, boat. Q8 $ 4.50
Set DD158E 9 views, looking down from adjacent ship, radar, director, mast, stack, fosc'l - different angle than set "D" Q9 $ 6.75
Good general destroyers, built in the mid 80's.
Photographed in SF, 10/92 Sets include detail views of both ships, which are sisters.
Set DD123A 8 views passing by underway, nice. Q8 $ 6.00
Set DD123B 16 views, details of both ships Q8 $ 12.00
Set DD123C 25 views, details of both ships Q8 $ 24.75
Set DD123D 6 views, 1 bow, 1 underway, 2 close-ups, 2 views of ships nested together. Q7 $ 4.50
Set DD123E 3 views, underway details. Q7 $ 2.25
Set DD123F 4 details, 2 fosc'l, gun mount, mast. Q8 $ 3.00
Training ship used by the Japanese Coast Guard. Photographed 1997 during a port visit to San Francisco.
Set PL21A 23 views, from shore, 2 nice overall views, 21 details, mosaic along starboard side. Q9 $ 17.25
On display at Pearl Harbor, HI ; photographed 10/02
Set Kaiten A 6 views, all around submarine on shore display, overall and details Q9 $ 4.50
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06/17 Version 2.4