SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Ships of African Navies




Nanuchka II class corvette (Projekt 1234E)

Rais Ali - Transferred from Russia in 1982, the former MRK-22.  Photographed December 2008 by Frank Findler near Dan Helder, The Netherlands

Set AWC902 A 1 view of ship tied up at dock      Q9     $ .75

South Africa

Research Vessels

Protea - Survey vessel for the South African Navy, formerly RN Hecla class.

Set Protea1 - 11 views, from shore, 2 3/4 stern port oa, 9 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes

Set Protea2 - 36 views, various angles from shore and bridge, overall alls and detals.  Nice coverage   Q9  $ 27.00

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6/17 Version 2.2