SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / US Navy Miscellaneaous Auxillaries (IX)

Miscellaneaous Auxillaries

Arco - Floating Drydock, Medium ARDM-5

Used in San Diego to service Nuclear Submarines. Photographed 9/95 while empty.

Set ARDM5A 6 views, from boat, port , straight on and stbd views. Q9 $ 4.50

Sea Shadow and Glomar Explorer Barge

Two very interesting subjects here. The Sea Shadow is an experimental stealth demonstration vessel, built by Lockheed for the Navy. It's faceted appearance is suggestive of the Arleigh Burke class DDG's, for which she may have contributed data. Sometimes dubbed the "Batboat", she is a rare sight.

The Sea Shadow was built inside a barge, but not just any barge. This is HMB-1, used with the Glomar Explorer in her clandestine adventures. This barge is capable of submerging, and has a roof that retracts to allow the Glomar to extract a large claw, used to pick up Russian submarines and whatnot.

Set SeaShadow IX-529A 12 views, 10 of Sea Shadow, 2 of barge, mostly overall views with a couple of details. San Diego, 3/27/94 Q8 $ 9.00

Set SeaShadow IX-529B 3 views, from above, looking down as ship passes underneath Q9 $ 2.25

Set SeaShadow IX-529C 18 views, from adjacent aircraft carrier and shore, exterior details, hatch, windows, boarding area, hull Q9 13.50


Small waterplane area ship test craft, built in 1996 at Honolulu. She has four hulls that penetrate the water, giving the vessel great stability at Moderately high sea states. Can operate small helicopters from the aft flight deck. Photographed 3/99 while participating in excercies Urban Warrior.

Set Slice A 16 views, from pier and on board, views of both Slice and small Kaman helo onboard Q9 $ 12.00

Set Slice B 9 views, from fantail of Destroyer, overall and detail of fore part of the ship, nice views. Q9 $ 6.75.

Photographed 2005 at San Diego - ship has now been painted with a colorful paint scheme

Set Slice C 9 views, from fantail of Destroyer, overall and detail of fore part of the ship, nice views. Q9 $ 6.75.

Glomar Explorer

One of the most famous "Black" projects of all times was the covert salvage of a Russian submarine from the waters of the Pacific. This is the ship that did it, shown in early 1996 at the reserve storage facility at Susuin Bay, California

Set AG193A 5 views from shore, mosaic from bow to stern. Interesting views of this noteworthy ship. Q8 $ 3.75

Joint Venture HSV-X1 Commercial Ferry leased by the US Government to test high speed troop deployment concepts.

Set HSVX1A 2 from boat, overalls, 1 port overall, 1 3/4 port stern overall. Photographed by F. Findler Q9 $ 1.50

Set HSVX1B 4 views from boat, various angles Photographed by F. Findler Q9 $ 3.00

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