SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / US Navy Destroyers Part 2
Burke Class DDG-51 through DDG-78 Flight I Guided Missile
Burke Class DDG-79 through DDG-112 Flight IIA Guided Missile
Class DDG-993 through DDG-996 Guided Missile Destroyers
F. Adams Class DDG-2 through DDG-24 Guided Missile
Class DDG-37 through DDG-46 Guided Missile Destroyers
Spruance Class DD-963
DD-992; DD-997 Destroyers
Forrest Sherman Class
DD-931 through
DD-951 Destroyers
Allen M. Sumner Class
through DD-709; DD-722 through DD-734; DD-744 through DD-781 + others
Gearing Class DD-710
through DD-719,
DD-805 through DD-890+ others Destroyers
Fletcher Class DD-445
DD-451 and many other,Destroyers
Those with an interest in this class would do well to consider the book "Electronic Greyhounds", published by the Naval Institute Press - highly recommended. At this writing, the some of the ships of this class are already being decommissioned.
Set DD964A 7 views, from shore, ship passing under Golden Gate Bridge. 2 overall + mosaic bow to stern. Very nice color. Q9 $ 5.25
Set DD964B 8 views, onboard, in and around bridge, bridge interior, binnacle, exterior, mast, fosc'l from bridge window. Q8 $ 6.00
Set DD964C 8 views, from pier, one overall, hull number, bow, anchor details, tacan, mast, forward gun. Q8 $ 6.00
Set DD964D 18 views, from stbd. passageway to fosc'l; Superstructure, front of bridge, 5" gun, VLS, deck details Q8 $ 13.50
Set DD964E 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge , 1 ¾ bow stbd., nice, Mosaic, bow to stern as ship passes under. Very useful. Q9 $ 12.00
Set DD964F 35 views, from dock shooting up at ship, good shots of superstructure, mast, ECM, CIWS foundation, Sea Sparrow launcher, etc. Q8 $ 26.25
Set DD964G 11 views, from dock as above, continues to stern of ship, includes 1 ¾ stern port overall. Views of Nixie, VDS openings. Q8 $ 8.25
Photographed 1980 at Long Beach by Lee Upshaw
Set DD964H 32 views, most onboard details, weapons, main and upper decks, mast and 3 overall views. Q8 $ 24.00
Photographed late 1970's to early 1980's at Long Beach. Please note that this set is in black and white
Set DD964I 17 views, most onboard upper deck details, helo deck, mast and support, superstructure. Q8 $ 12.75
Taken 10/00 during San Francisco's Fleet Week 2000
Set DD965B 23 views, from Golden Gate Bridge 1 3/4 stern starboard oa, 22 details, mosaic bow to stern from overhead Q9 $ 17.25
Set DD965D 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ stbd bow overall, very nice, 15 details, mosaic bow to stern - great set! Q9 $ 12.00
Taken 4/01 at San Francisco
Set DD965C 18 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ bow port, 17 details, mosaic bow to stern , slight stbd angle Q9 $ 13.50
Set DD967E 1 view, overall from Golden Gate Bridge, almost directly above ship, dramatic angle, contrasty lighting Q9 $ .75
Set DD967F 28 views, from pier, 1 ¾ bow port overall, 27 details, bow to stern walking along pier shooting up - good details. Q9 $ 21.00
Set DD967G 36 views, onboard details, on fosc'l, anchor gear, gun details, VLS details, bridge front, mast, TACAN. Q9 $ 27.00
Set DD967H 8 views, onboard 6 of Sea Sparrow launcher, 2 of decoy canisters Q9 $ 6.00
Set DD967I 14 views, onboard most of SH60B Helicopter on board, some details on helo deck. Q9 $ 10.50
Set DD967J 14 views, on board details, amidships area, UNREP gear, stairways, etc. Q9 $ 10.50
USS Radford
Photographed 11/1996 by Duane Curtis, note this was
her mast was replaced by the AEM/S.
Set DD968A 25 views, helo deck, hanger front, miship details, boat storage, Sea Sparrow Q9 $ 18.75
Set DD968B 25 views, upper deck details, mast, CIWS, vents, ammo lockers, HARPOON, TACAN, VLS, communications Q9 $ 18.75
Set DD971A 24 views from boat of underway DD passing, bow, port, stern, some views a bit dark. S Diego Q7 $ 18.00
Set DD971B 11 detail views from adjacent ship, bow to amidships, nice general set. Alameda, CA 10/95 Q9 $ 8.25
Set DD971C 11 views, 1 overall, 10 details, from G. Gate Bridge. Nice set. SF, 10/95 Q9 $ 8.25
Set DD971D 24 details looking down stbd, side from adjacent CVN, very useful details. Alameda, CA Q8 $ 18.00
Set DD971E 1 view, ¾ stern/stbd. overall view, from Golden Gate Bridge, SF 10/95 Q9 $ .75
Set DD971G 11 views, masts, upperworks, CIWS, Sea Sparrow from port side CV flight deck Alameda, CA Q8 $ 8.25
Set DD971H 20 on board details Q8, except two interior hanger photos, which are a bit blurry. $ 15.00
Set DD971I 14 views, along starboard side from adjacent CV Flight deck, 1 ¾ stern overall, 13 good details. Q8 $ 10.50
Set DD971J 5 views, from CV flight deck, aft deck details, helo hangers, aft section of mast. Q9 $ 3.75
Set DD971K 7 views, as above, starboard side details, SATCOM, director, superstructure details Q9 $ 7.25
Set DD971L 20 views, looking down from CV flight deck, port side details helo hanger forward to bow. Useful. Q9 $ 15.00
Views taken October 1997 at San Francisco, CA during Fleet Week
Set DD972B 18 views, taken across from another ship, nice views of RAM launcher, good views of aft gun, aft SS, mast, bridge, etc. Q9 $ 13.50
Set DD972C 18 views, onboard, fosc'l, bridge front, mast top, SRBOC launchers, Sea Sparrow, interior hanger, RAM launcher Q8 $ 13.50
Set DD972D 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes beneath. Lots of details! Q8 $ 12.00
Set DD972E 22 views, from G. Gate Bridge different day and angle than above. Nice set Q9 $ 16.50
Shot October, 1999 At San Francsico
Set DD972F 21 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, ship passes directly underneath, 1 overall, 20 details, mosaic bow to stern Q9 $ 15.75
Set DD972G 8 views, details, 1 of bridge front, deck hatch, 6 views of the foremast, including views of new larger SPQ-9B radome Q9 $ 6.00
Set DD972H 19 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 3 overalls, 3/4 port stern, 16 views along port side as ship steams under. Q9 $ 14.25
Photographed August, 2002 at San Francisco
Set DD972I 22 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one overall, stbd side, 21 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd side Q9 $ 16.50
Photographed at San Diego, 10/02
Set DD972J 11 views, from shore, 3 oa, ¾ bow stbd, ¾ stern stbd, 8 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes Q8 $ 8.25
Taken 4/99 San Diego, CA
Set DD973B 7 views, from shore, 2 overalls, 5 details mosaic bow to stern as ship passes. Q8 $ 5.25
Taken October, 1992 at San Francisco, CA
Set DD975A 35 views, on board details, very useful, but there are some marks on some negatives. Q8 $ 26.25
Set DD975B 36 views, as above, useful but with some marked negatives Q8 $ 27.00
USS Merrill DD-976
Set DD976C 1 view 3/4 bow port overall, ship is underway, dramatic portrait taken at sea from DDG-53 Q9 $ .75
Set DD976D 2 views, overalls, 3/4 bow port, starboard overall. Q9 $ 1.50
Taken 5/92
Set DD982A 8 views, 6 overall views, nice shots from various angles, 2 details, amidships and stern views. Q9 $ 6.00
Photographed 4/98, just prior to her decommissioning. She represents an unmodified Spruance class DD,without either VLS or Tomahawk missile launchers installed on her fosc'l. Her ASROC launcher had been removed.
Set DD986A 23 views, from G. Gate Bridge, inbound, 1 ¾ stern stbd overall, 22 great details along stbd side, very nice. Q9 $ 17.25
Set DD986B 22 views, as above, ship is outbound, 3 ¾ bow port OA, 19 details along port side, nice Q8 $ 16.50
Photographed 5/99 at Norfolk, VA
Set DD989A 20 views, from boat, 2 overalls, 3/4 bow and stern, 18 views details along the port side. Q9 $ 15.00
Set DD990A 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, one overall from above, slight port angle, 15 views, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes, nice set. Q9 $ 12.00
Set DD990B 15 views, from pier, 2 OA , bow and stern, nice, 4 views of boat in water, 9 views of side of ship. Q8 $ 11.25
Set DD990C 27 views, from Golden Gate bridge, similar to set a but from a more oblique angle, more details, very nice set. Q9 $ 20.25
Set DD990D 30 Views, on board, fosc'l, 5" gun, Tomahawk ABL, bridge interior/exterior, hanger interior, mast - good all round set. Q9 $ 22.50
Set DD991A 2 views, from shore, nice overall portraits, starboard side, 3/4 port bow. Sydney, Australia 3/97 Q9 $ 1.50
Taken 8/01 at San Francisco, CA
Set DD991B 20 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall, 3/4 stern port, 19 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes underneath Q9 $ 15.00
Set DD991C 32 views, as above on with ship heading toward camera, 2 oa. bow on, 30 details, mosaic bow to helo deck. Q9 $ 24.00
Set DD997A 5 views from elevated position, 4 overalls and one detail of amidships area. Odd coloration, in some frames. Q8 $ 3.75
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The second class of postwar destroyers, these ships were the last class of gun only destroyers produced by the US Navy. Small by modern standards at 2800 tons, they were handsome and capable ships.
Photographed 9/93 on display at the Washington Navy Yard, where she is a museum ship.
Set DD933A 8 views, 4 on board details, 4 exterior from dock Q7 $ 6.00
Set DD933B 25 views, all on board details - good views but taken with very grainy film, not pretty! Q6 $ 18.75
Set DD933C 21 views from dock, grainy but with usable information Q6 4 15.75
This destroyer was notable as the only ship of its type to mount an 8" gun, as an experiment in the 70's. When photographed, she was being towed out to be sunk. She had been stripped of guns, radars and many fittings, but superstructure was relatively intact. 4/98, San Francisco.
Set DD945A 15 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall, ¾ bow stbd, 14 details, mosaic along stbd side, very clear. Q9 $ 11.25
Museum ship on New York City's waterfront. Views taken October, 1994.
Set DD946A 9 on board details, 5" gun Q9 $ 6.75
Set DD946B 8 views, 1 bow, bridge from dock, 7 on board details Q9 $ 6.00
Set DD946C 12 views, looking down from USS Intrepid, very useful views Q9 $ 9.00
Set DD946D 8 views from CV, covering stern area and weapon Alfa Q9 $ 6.00
Set DD946E 24 views, on board, details, stack, torpedo tubes, deckhouse details Q9 $ 18.00
Set DD946F 14 views from opposite parking structure, looking down on port side - very useful views Q8 $ 10.50
Set DD946G 24 views taken from adjacent ship, good details and good angle, very useful Q9 $ 18.00
Set DD951A 13 views, 12 o/b details, 1 nice overall, useful Q9 $ 9.75
Set DD951B 24 detail views, 15 o/b , 9 useful views from pier. Q9 $18.00
Set DD951C 24 details, o/b, fosc'l amidships, much detail Q9 $18.00
Set DD951 D 24 details, bridge, mast, Mk 68 director, boats Q9 $ 18.00
Set DD951E 24 very nice views from boat, details and overalls Q9 $18.00
Set DD951F 24 details views, masts radar's, boats Torpedo tubes, SS Q9 $18.00
Set DD951G 4 views from boat, backlit, grainy, 4 details Q7 $ 3.00
Set DD951H 24 views, from elevated shore position, nice details stern towards bow along starboard side. Q9 $ 18.00
Set DD951I 4 views, from boat, all overall, 2 3/4 bow
starboard, one
bow on, one 3/4 bow port. Port side backlit. Q7 $
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These ships were similar in appearance to the Gearing Class, with their characteristic twin 5"/38 gun mounts. They served from World War II through Vietnam in a variety of configurations. Several still serve in Foreign Navies - check out the section on Mexico for another example.
This series of shots was taken in July, 1944 in New York, just before
commissioning. From a private collector.
Please Note this is a Black and White Set
Set DD-748 A 10 views of ship prior to commissioning. Q8 $ 7.50
Set DD-748 A LARGE 8 X 10 views of ship prior to commissioning. Q8 $ 40.00 Individual views 6.00 each.
This famous destroyer survived a vicious attack in the late stages of the Pacific war to serve through the 60's. She is in the FRAM II (Fleet Rehabilitation And Modernization ) configuration, an extensive program that rebuilt WWII era destroyers to enable them to meet modern threats. The Laffey was optimized for anti-submarine warfare, equipped with DASH (Drone Anti Submarine Helicopter), and Mk 32 torpedoes. She is on display at Patriots Point, Charleston, SC. Photographed August 1993.
Set DD724A 23 views, portside, looking down from the USS Yorktown. Q8 $ 17.25
Set DD724B 32 views, nice on board details. Q8 $ 24.00
Set DD724C 6 views, on board, passageway, bottom details, 26' motor whaleboat. Q7 $ 4.50
Set DD724D 2 views from Yorktown, looking down. Q8 $ 1.50
Set DD724E 16 views, 15 on board details, 1 ¾ bow starboard view from dock Q8 $ 12.00
Set DD724F 4 views, on board, looking fore and aft along passageway. Q8 $ 3.00
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Late war development of the basic US Navy destroyer with their characteristic twin 5"/38 gun mounts. They served from World War II through Vietnam in a variety of configurations, and in a variety of other nation's navies after that.
Taken 6/69 at San Francisco, CA by Gary Lewis.
Set DD833A, 4 views, from pier, 2 views of aft area, 2 views of fore section. Q8 $ 3.00
Taken July, 1994 at Fall River, Massachusetts, where she is a museum ship.
Set DD850A 8 details of port side looking down from USS Massachusetts. Useful Q8 $ 6.00
Set DD850B 3 views from pier, 1 of radar, 2 of port side of ship Q8 $ 2.25
Set DD850C 7 details from pier Q8 $ 5.25
Set DD850D 3 ¾ port overall views from shore Q8 $ 2.25
Set DD850E 10 views, on board details, mostly aft area Q8 $ 7.50
Set DD850F 5 views, port side details Q8 $ 3.75
Set DD850G 15 views of bridge, decks, torpedo tubes, 5" guns, and 2 overall views Q8 $ 11.25
Set DD850H 9 views on board, inside bridge, ASROC launcher, torpedo tubes Q8 $ 6.75
Set DD950I 24 on board views, ASROC launcher, ASROC reloading machine - many good views of this, mast Q8 $ 18.00
Taken 6/69 by Gary Lewis in San Francisco, CA. She was part of the Battleship New Jersey combat group.
DD 795 A 2 views, from pier, of midships area. Other DD's in background. Q8 $ 1.50
Taken 6/69 by Gary Lewis in San Francisco, CA. She was part of the Battleship New Jersey combat group.
DD 788 A 1 view, overall , 3/4 bow port on the outside of a three ship nest. Q8 $ .75
Taken 6/69 by Gary Lewis in San Francisco, CA. She was part of the Battleship New Jersey combat group.
Set DD784A 14 views, from pier, good exterior views along starboardside. Q8 $ 10.50
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The workhorses of the American Navy in World War II, these hardy ships served their country well, often surviving severe damage. Be sure to check out, in the Foreign Navies Section, the Mexican Round Bridge Fletcher, still in Service as of 1997!
Taken 1970 by Gary Lewis. The ship wasat the mothball fleet, Suisan, CA.
Set DD446A 1 view , looking down at fosc'l from elevated viewpoint, nice view of 5" gun, weapon alpha, two other DD's tied alongside. Q8 $ .75
This ship was named after the five lost Sullivan brothers, victims of the tragic sinking of the USS Juneau in the second World War. She is now a memorial to all fighting men in Serviceman's Park, Buffalo, NY. Her tradition continues in the current navy with the commissioning of the USS Sullivans (DDG-68), a Burke class Destroyer. This USS Sullivans was photographed July, 1994 and shows the ship as a museum vessel.
Set DD537A 19 on board details, fosc'l, deckhouse, bridge, hedgehog A/S mortar. Q8 $ 14.25
Set DD537B 21 views, on board and from dock, along starboard side. Q9 $ 15.75
Set DD537C 24 views, on board and from dock, inside bridge, bow details, shots along stbd side. Q9 $ 18.00
Set DD537D 24 on board details, stacks, torpedo tubes, 40mm guns Q8 $ 18.00
Set DD536E 9 views, shot from opposite shore of port side, good viewpoint. Q8 $ 6.75
Fletcher class destroyer, preserved at Baton Rouge, LA. These sets were taken 9/95 in good conditions, and show off this ship well. The Kidd is one of the best preserved warships in the US, if not the world, very original WWII condition! Very complete coverage including under this ship; if you are building a large scale model try a couple to start out with, but eventually you will want them all. As with all SeaPhoto sets, there is no duplication between sets.
Set DD661A 15 views, most from overlook tower next to ship. 1 ¾ bow port overall, 14 details of fore part. Q8 $11.25
Set DD661B 8 views, as above. 1 ¾ port bow overall, 7 details, bridge, 5" mount, Mk 37, anchor. Q8 $ 6.00
Set DD661C 24 o/b details, whaleboat, winch, stack, deck details Q9 $18.00
Set DD661D 24 o/b details, main deck, along port side. Q9 $18.00
Set DD661E 16 details from museum tower, from bow to midships, good general arrangement set. Q9 $12.00
Set DD661F 24 o/b details, fosc'l , deckhouse details, vents, ports, etc. Q8 $18.00
Set DD661G 24 o/b details, walking along portside, vents, hatches, misc. details Q9 $18.00
Set DD661H 21 o/b details, bridge, boat storage, 20mm gun, reload crane, deck details. Q9 $15.75
Set DD661I 24 o/b details, stacks, 40mm guns, front of bridge, deck braces, misc. details Q9 $18.00
Set DD661I 24 o/b details, stacks, 40mm guns, front of bridge, deck braces, misc. details Q9 $18.00
Set DD661J 24, /b, 5" practice loader, liferafts, K-gun, Depth Charge racks, 20mm, fantail,1 o.a view ¾ bow from under ship, dramatic & unusual view Q8 $18.00
Set DD661K 24 details from Levee on stbd. side of ship, useful, but some a bit blurry Q7 $18.00
Set DD661L 11 o/b details of torpedo tubes, surrounding area. Q8 $ 8.25
Set DD661M 12o/b details, stacks, Kidd Pirate artwork on stack, 40mm details. Q9 $ 9.00
Set DD661N 19 views from shore looking slightly down on ship. A good set to start for overall appearance. Q8 $14.25
Set DD661O 24 views under ship, hull details, propellers, bilge keel, sonar. Very interesting! Q9 $18.00
Set DD661P 24 views, from shore, good details, radar, T. Tubes, director, + good arrangement shots. Q8 $18.00
Set DD661Q 24 o/b, 5" gun, Mk37 director, deckhouse front, 5" loading room, other interior details. Q8 $18.00
Set DD661R 24 o/b, upper level, T.Tubes, masts, radars, floater net baskets, etc. Q9 $18.00
Set DD661S 24 o/b port side details, 5" gun, interior shots, other misc. views. Nice shots. Q9 $18.00
Set DD661T 18 views, from under ship, details of rudder, shafts, shaft exits, hull details Q9 $13.50
The Cassin Young represents a Fletcher class modernized during the after war years to improve ASW capability. To this end , she carries hedgehog mortars, and Mk 32 torpedo tubes. Photographed in Boston, MA July, 1994, where she is a museum ship in very good company - right next to the USS Constitution.
Set DD793A 23 views, 22 details taken from dock all along side of ship, nice, one overall view. Q9 $ 17.25
Set DD793B 7 details, 5" practice loader machine, torpedo tubes, hatches Q8 $ 5.25
Set DD793C 25 on board details, masts, radar, interior gunhouse, fosc'l, interior plotting room, deck details. Q8 4 18.75
Set DD793D 25 on board details, torpedo tubes, hedgehog ASW mortar, stacks, interior of bridge Q9 $ 18.00
Set DD793E 24 on board details, around main deck, radars, masts, hatches, etc. Q9 $ 18.00
Set DD793F 24 views, 20 on board details, depth charge rack, stern sides, masts, radar, 4 views from dock. Q9 $ 18.00
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5/20 Version 1.4