These Pictures were taken 10/19/01 at the
Los Angeles Maritime Museum
San Pedro, CA
Click on any picture for a larger version
This famous model of the Long Beach was built by Loren Perry, of Gold
Medal Models during the early 1980's. Because of extensive magazine
coverage at the time, and Loren's later contributions to this hobby as the
editor of Scale Ship Modeler during that magazine's heyday, it has earned
a place of honor in scale warship modeling. Many people, especially me, were
influenced by Loren's models to build better ship models. Loren retired
this model and gave it to the Los Angeles Maritime Museum.
This model was built and operated by the late Butch Plake, who started Plake Enterprises, one of the early manufacturers of photo etched brass parts for 1/96 scale ship models. Butch's models were well built, neat in appearence, and often highly animated, as he was very clever with mechanisms. For example, on this model the helicopter could retract into the hanger, among other functions.
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Version 1.2
Last update 12/02