Gallery Page 65

USS Artic AOE-8 in 1/96 scale by Duane Curtis

This is a rebuild of an existing model.

The model as it appeared before I started the rebuild. Many items already removed before I rebuilt 2/3 of the structure aft of the bridge area.

Here you can see the aft details that are located under the helo deck and are hardly seen by most.

Hanger area for the helos, you can see the overhead rails that are used for the traveling crane system, this would be used to work of the helos while in the hanger.

Mid section of the structure showing part of it being rebuilt and part of it being reused when I could reuse parts to help make the rebuild faster.

Another part of the mid section towards the aft section.

Aft section of the structure showing the hanger areas and a fresh coat of paint.

Another aft section showing the location of the stacks and a couple of other structures.

Mid section with a fresh coat of paint.

Here you can see of the post that are used to high line supplies to and from ships. You can also see the warning marks that are used by the system's operator.

Mid section showing the high line post and refueling post in place.

Aft section showing the hanger area and the two platforms that are located along the side.

Over all mid section view.

Over all aft section view.

Forward section just aft of the bridge area, many details will be located in this area in the future to come.

Forward section showing bridge area. You can see that there will be a CIWS located here and just forward of the structure will be a Sea Sparrow launcher. The ships forward mast will be located on this forward section.

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Version 1.0

Last update 04/08