This long term project was started in 1983, but business and life has put it on the shelf until recently.
Dave next to the hull, showing the internal frames prior to planking
The hull master built in 1996, made of ¾ pine and planked with ¼ red wood with 1/16 fiberglass skin. Master will have plaiting detail going into the mould. Hull will be fiberglass with polycarbonate and plex deck.
The polycarbonate superstructure next to the planked hull
By 2006, the hull had been primed, and detail sanding begun.
Here is what I have planned for animations on my 1/96 Yamato, some of these were not even possible in 1983 when I started my off and rarely on Yamato project.
Septemeber 2009 Update
Work continues on the hull master as time and research permit. Plating is going on nicely now///
While Dave had his USS Alabama out for some post-run repairs, he photographed the Yamato hull master together with the South Dakota class battleships, giving a great idea of the relative size difference.
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This page maintained by Kurt Greiner. Email me here.
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Version 1.1
Last update 09/09