Gallery Page 3

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USS Jenkins DD-447 as she appeared during 1960's in her FRAM'd configuration - model by Jack Bitters

There were only 3 of the USS Fletcher DD-445 class destroyers that went through the full FRAM conversion process.

Model is built in 1:96 scale, is 47" long and features the hull and fittings from the Scale Shipyard. Model is built using Lexan for the decks and ABS for the bulkheads etc. This model features:

Twin electric motors

Rotating radar

Horn and battle wooper sounds.  Thanks to Lee Upshaw for sending in these pictures.

Bob Evans kindly sent in pictures of Ralph Glew's USS Enterprise (CV-6), which is built on a Scale Shipyard hull.  Note the clever transport and launch arrangement that Ralph has devised...

John Anderson from Redwood City California has undertaken an ambitious project:  The Battlecruiser Hood in 1/72 scale.  He sent some construction views to share with us:

Garry Armstrong sent in a group shot of a fellow New Zealander who builds and collects 1/96 scale warships.  Garry built the USS Brooke and later sold it to this gentleman.

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 This page maintained by Kurt Greiner.  Email me here.

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Version 2.1

Last update 06/02