Gallery Page 27

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The 2003 San Francisco Military Regatta

Special thanks once again to Fred Paroutaud, who took these photos, and let me kick back and enjoy the event.  Thanks Fred!

Once again, modelers from the western United States gathered at San Francisco's Golden Gate Park for another military regatta.  Held in conjunction with the Mare Island chapter of the Subcommittee, it was a chance for surface warship modelers to visit with their subsurface brethren.  Much good natured ribbing ensued, mostly about which category were the true targets.  As if we didn't know already....

Frank DiMeglio of Mosquito Boat Hobbies brought up part of his large fleet, including some unfinished units.

USS California (BB-44) by Frank DiMeglio

USS Fox (CG-33) by Frank DiMeglio

Once again, the local R/C combat warship club brought an interesting display, and they were more than happy to discuss this facet of the model ship hobby with the large number of folks who stopped by their table.

Southern California modeler Jack Bitters brought up some of his fleet, including two favorite, the USS Rudderow (DE-224) and the USS Rentz (FFG-46). Although they are older models, they have held up well.

Jack Bitters' USS Rudderow in 1/96 scale

Jack Bitters' USS Rentz in 1/96 scale

Although I will leave the coverage of the submarine side of the regatta to the Subcommittee website, I just had to show you this cool model of the Flying Sub from the TV series, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. The model is converted from the Monogram kit.

A mini tradition before the regatta is the Friday night get together at my house.  We didn't know it at the time, but this was the last one, since I ended up moving two months later out of the San Francisco area.  Next year, we will get together at a motel in the area for the Pizza Party.

Finally, a photo of my John Paul Jones in the water.  See you in San Francisco in 2004!

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  This page maintained by Kurt Greiner.  Email me here.

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Last update 01/04