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Paul has just started working on a Dean's Marine kit of the HMS Dreadnought, the ship the defined an entire category of warships for the next half century. The model is being extensively modified from kit form, so follow along and see how an expert builder tackles this intriguing subject...
The turrets are fiberglass castings, with internal stregthening added.
A new, all wood deck has been built for the model, instead of using the kit parts
The props were made by G. Sitek. Although origianlly for a 1/128 scale Hood, they will work for this model.
The engine room vent stacks and covers are scratchbuilt.
6/11/2006 Update
6/17/2006 - Sea Trials!
1/27/2007 - about 90% complete at this point
March 8, 2007
Back to Warship Models Underway
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Version 1.135
Last update 12/09