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Watch Paul Build a HMS Dreadnought in this dedicated Gallery
Paul Build's a USS Nimitz in this dedicated Gallery
Paul is a professional model maker in England. You can view his website and see more of his work here.
This is the Royal Navy's latest destroyer - the Type 45
February 6, 2009 Update
February 23, 2009 Update
This ia a modified Sirmar semi-kit, which has recently been rebuilt.
This ia a modified Sirmar semi-kit, starting with the Andromeda semi-kit and modded into the Cantebury using available references. The ship is in "as-built:" appearence.
Small Frigate, extensively modified using Sirmar Fittings
This was the only Type-82 destroyer, intended to be an escort for the abortive British CV project. The class was cancelled when the Aircraft Carrier did not go forward, resulting in only one of these destroyers built out of the projected 8 planned.
A Leander class frigate, which was once a large class of RN frigates, now reduced to a couple of examples in foreign navies.
A Type 22 batch 3 frigate.
Perry Class Guided Missile Frigate.
This is a second USS Gallery for another client
Again, built with a Sirmar Semi-kit.
Paul started with a Dean's Marine kit, and modified it using Sirmar and scratchbuilt parts.
Paul started with a Dean's Marine kit, and made extensive modifications
Paul started with a Dean's Marine kit, and modified it using Sirmar and scratchbuilt parts.
This model is being built by Paul and his business partner Baz for a client. He started with a Fleetscale hull, and scratchbuilt fittings that will soon be offered as part of the Sirmar range.
Minesweeper M-1804 in 1/48 scale
Again, built with a Sirmar 105 Motor Minesweeper kit.
To view more of Paul's ships, visit his web site,
Paul's son Luke has followed in his father's footsteps, starting with this R/C conversion of the venerable Matchbox/ Revell of Germany Flower Class Corvette kit.
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This page maintained by Kurt Greiner. Email me here.
This page viewed 73
Version 1.925
Last update 12/09