Gallery Page 29

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The Models of Geoff Dixon

Geoff has kindly sent in photos of  models he has built, coving the period of World War I and before.

HMS Neptune

This was built in 1974 as in 1916 but subsequently updated to 1918 configuration. The model is very much "stand off scale" but was used as a test bed to develop many special features.

HMS Canopus

This was built in 1994 and is of a Victorian pre-dreadnought. Originally electric powered it was converted to steam (Cheddar Models Puffin unit) which gets me 1/2 hour sailing.

HMS Lord Nelson

Built in 1999 appx. This is a 1908 semi-dreadnought. Built using a John Haynes hull with everything else scratch built.

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This page maintained by Kurt Greiner.  Email me here.

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Version 1.1

Last update 06/04