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Build on a Scale Shipyard Hull
Building of superstructure and reworking of it to show model of the Wisconsin during the Gulf War.
Working on doing individual planks on the deck.
More wood decking nearing the stern.
Here on the bow the deck is pretty much done except for light sanding and sealing of wood. You can also see some of the detail along with the water break in this shoot.
A close up shoot showing the detail around the hatches. All the boarder planks are done the same way that they are on the real ship.
just about done.
Aft deck showing that the wood deck is in place with a little bit of sanding to go.
Stern section deck is done and sanded, ready for sealer to go on.
Start of decking on the 01 level.
01 level on the stbd. side near the 5" gun mounts.
01 level on the port side along the bridge area.
Stbd, side showing main deck and 01 level decks are now covered in wood.
Shoot showing from just short of the bow looking aft. the main deck and the 01 level wood decking over all.
Now working on the upper bridge area, as you can see I have most of the wood decking done just have some small areas left to do.
Full shoot of the Wisconsin showing the deck with natural sunlight on the deck, at this time I have at least 5 coats of sealer applied to the deck. Don't want any water getting to the deck and ruining the deck.
Close up of the structure area showing the main deck to the 04 deck with the start of the 05 above the upper bridge.
Port side showing some of the details that are slowly starting to go into the model.
Stbd side view showing the passage way behind the lower bridge.
02 level passage way, this was a tricky area to get the wood deck done.
Showing the fwd. 16 inch guns along with some of the vents that are located near them also have the start of the anchor handling gear.
Aft 16 inch gun with the vents that are located on the port side, you can also see a small portion of the helo flight deck as well.
This is my first attempt to make the bags that go around the barrels.
Overall port side view of the structure.
Started work on the antenna array that goes onto the bow of the model.
A little further along in the construction of the antenna array. I figured that brass would be good here just in case it should take some hits from those on lookers.
Almost completed ant. Array.
Antenna now attached to the bow section along with the forward bell as well. All anchor chain is also in place.
Here you can see some of the details such as anchor control gear and the padeyes on the deck around the anchor chain.
Started the work on all of the fire hose connections using the brass fire valve globe that you can purchase from SSY, there are many of these located on an Iowa class BB. I had to cut the ball valve section of and then solder them to a brass tee that I had to make in order to get the same system connection points as that of the real ship. This had to be done four times as seen in the picture and two more time with just three connections.
Here is one of the fire stations in place after painting.
A section of the port side showing part of the many fire hoses and connection that have to be placed onto the model.
Here is a section on the starboard side, you can also see some of the inclined ladders as well.
Top of the forward stack with the mast that goes above.
A different angle view of the above photo, you can also see the platform for the SatCom domes that were also on the actual ship.
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This page maintained by Kurt Greiner. Email me here.
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Version 1.3
Last update 10/08