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Other fun things that Kurt really likes - an admittedly ecletic gathering of odds and ends

Some Fun things that don't fit in any other category

Squirrel Nut Zippers

My favorite music group, a blend of early Jazz, New Orleans, with pop elements.  I like them a lot.  The had a hit song a few years back with "Hell" from the album Hot - when you hear it, you will probably remember it.  If not, give the sample tracks a listen...

Hot [ENHANCED CD] My favorite from the group, followed closely by...

Perennial Favorites [ENHANCED CD]

Great Novels to Read

The Circle by David Poyer - David Poyer is an ex US Naval Officer, and the details in his series of books reflect this.  The first in the series, The Circle, chronicles the adventures of a newly minted Ensign who boards a old destroyer in the 70's, only to find out that this is a deeply flawed command.  If you like this book, go on to the The Med, the Passage, and the others in the series.

The Hunt for Red October The first Jack Ryan novel, and still the best.  Established Tom Clancy as a writer.

Red Storm Rising Sprawling novel of World War 3 that thankfully never happened.  Details enough for the most hardcore nuts and bolts fan, but with human stories as well.  One of my favorites.

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Version 1.1  06/17