SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Photos from Slides

SeaPhoto Portraits from Slides

Over the years, I have started to take slides in addition to the prints from which SeaPhoto sets are based. Additionally, I have traded slides with other ship photographers around the world. These are mainly portraits (although for selected ships I do have some detail shots).  I hope to get a complete listing sometime this year, but for now, you can email me with your inquires.  In general, the collection covers the US Navy from 1980 to the present, and foreign navies, particularly European, from about 1985 to the present.  I have a nice selection of NATO frigates, for example, and some Russian warships of the Soveremenny, Krivak and Udaloy classes.  Many of these slides will make very nice portait prints.

Because Slides are more expensive to print than negatives (at least in my area), the price for each print is as follows:

Standard 4 X 6 glossy print   $ 2.00 Each

5 X 7 glossy print                     $ 7.99 Each

8 X 10 glossy print                   $ 12.00 Each  
(Please note that in certain cases, you may get a print that is 8 X 12 due to the cropping of the ship)

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