SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Liberty and Victory Ships

Liberty and Victory Ships

Liberty Ship

SS Jerimiah O'Brien

This, one of the last the liberty ships built in tremendous numbers during WW2 can be seen at San Francisco, CA. She recently completed a lengthy voyage as part of the D-Day commemoration.

Set JOB1 8 views from Golden Gate Bridge Q8 `$ 6.00

Set JOB2 1 view, stbd under way Q7, $ .75

Set JOB3 9 views, underway, 2 3/4 bow stbd, 2 3/4 stbd port Q7 $ 6.75

Set JOB4 8 views of the parade of ships welcoming JOB back from Normandy, 9-94, no details but nice shots. Q7 $ 6.00

Set JOB5 15 views of ship passing under the Golden Gate Bridge Q8 $ 11.25

Set JOB6 16 views, taken at San Diego ( 9-94), 10 o/b details, 3 details from dock, 3 overall views from dock. Q9 $ 12.00

Set JOB7 24 good o/b details, taken at San Diego. Q9 $ 18.00

Set JOB8 20 views taken from harbor tour, good views of upper works, stern and overall views as well Q8 $ 15.00

Set JOB9 9 good o/b details Q8 $ 6.75

Set JOB10 3 views 1 3/4 stbd bow, nice, 2 3/4 stbd stern, dark Q8 $ 2.25

Victory Ship

SS Lane Victory

This museum vessel is berthed at San Pedro, CA, and because of its location near Hollywood, is seen in many movies and television productions. Photographed at San Francisco 9-94

Set LVA, 25 on board details, very nice Q9 $ 18.75

Set LVB 35 o/b details, guns, gear, etc., very useful. Q9 $ 26.25

Set LVC 15 on board details Q9 $ 11.25

Set LVD 16 views passing under the Golden Gate Bridge, some blurry Q7 $ 12.00

Set LVE 23 views, some on board, most from dock, good Q9 $ 17.25

Photographed 6-16-96 while ship was visiting San Diego

Set LVF 10 views, along portside from boat, mosaic bow to stern. Q8 $ 7.50

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06/17 Version 2.4