SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Liberty and Victory Ships
This, one of the last the liberty ships built in tremendous numbers during WW2 can be seen at San Francisco, CA. She recently completed a lengthy voyage as part of the D-Day commemoration.
Set JOB1 8 views from Golden Gate Bridge Q8 `$ 6.00
Set JOB2 1 view, stbd under way Q7, $ .75
Set JOB3 9 views, underway, 2 3/4 bow stbd, 2 3/4 stbd port Q7 $ 6.75
Set JOB4 8 views of the parade of ships welcoming JOB back from Normandy, 9-94, no details but nice shots. Q7 $ 6.00
Set JOB5 15 views of ship passing under the Golden Gate Bridge Q8 $ 11.25
Set JOB6 16 views, taken at San Diego ( 9-94), 10 o/b details, 3 details from dock, 3 overall views from dock. Q9 $ 12.00
Set JOB7 24 good o/b details, taken at San Diego. Q9 $ 18.00
Set JOB8 20 views taken from harbor tour, good views of upper works, stern and overall views as well Q8 $ 15.00
Set JOB9 9 good o/b details Q8 $ 6.75
Set JOB10 3 views 1 3/4 stbd bow, nice, 2 3/4 stbd stern, dark Q8 $ 2.25
This museum vessel is berthed at San Pedro, CA, and because of its location near Hollywood, is seen in many movies and television productions. Photographed at San Francisco 9-94
Set LVA, 25 on board details, very nice Q9 $ 18.75
Set LVB 35 o/b details, guns, gear, etc., very useful. Q9 $ 26.25
Set LVC 15 on board details Q9 $ 11.25
Set LVD 16 views passing under the Golden Gate Bridge, some blurry Q7 $ 12.00
Set LVE 23 views, some on board, most from dock, good Q9 $ 17.25
Photographed 6-16-96 while ship was visiting San Diego
Set LVF 10 views, along portside from boat, mosaic bow to stern. Q8 $ 7.50
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06/17 Version 2.4