SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Cruise Ships and Ocean Liners
These beautiful ships exist only for the comfort and pleasure of their passengers, and have become very popular in recent years. Our line of these ships will continue to grow, especially as San Francisco becomes a host to more and more of these.
Now a museum ship in Long Beach, CA - all views were shot there.
Set CS11A 3 views, shot from opposite shore, one overall, 2 views, mosaic bow to stern from distance. Q8 $ 2.25
Flagship of the Cunard Line, last of the grand old Liners. Shot in New York, May 1999
Set CS22A 20 views, from elevated pier, 4 overalls, bow on, bow slight stbd angle, rest mosaic bow to stern along starboard side. Q9 $ 15.00
Set CS22B 4 views, from pier, 3/4 bow port, bow on, 3/4 bow starboard, nice dramatic views from pier. Q9 $ 3.00
Set CS22C 15 views, from elevated pier, 1 overall, 14 good close details of superstructure, bow to stern. Nice set. Q9 $ 11.25
This once grand ship, the fastest passenger liner to ever sail, languishes at a dock in Philadelphia. Her paint is in poor shape. Photographed 5/99
Set CS23A 7 views, 3 overall, 4 details of bow area, bridge, shot from moderate distance. Q9 $ 5.25
Set CS1A 13 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ bow port overall, 12 views, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. Q9 $ 9.75
Set CS3A 16 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ bow port overall, 15 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. 5/95 Q9 $ 12.00
See her as the new Love Boat!
Set CS17A 7 views, from dock, 1 overall ¾ bow port, 6 details of bow, bridge front, etc. Grey day, but good views. Q8 $ 7.25
Set CS6A 10 views, 2 overall 3/4 bow stbd., 8 details (bow to mid) passing under bridge, nice. SF, CA 6-95 Q9 $ 7.50
Set CS6B 9 views, details as above, from amidships to stern Q9 $ 6.75
Set CS4A 18 views, 1 overall, bow on slight stbd angle, 17 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. SF 5/95 Q9 $ 13.50
Set CS5A 21 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 nice ¾ port bow oa, 19 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. 5/95 Q9 $ 15.75
Set CS 20A 14 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ port bow overall, 13 details, mosaic of port side as ship passes. Q9 10.50
Set CS 7A 11 views, passing under bridge, 1o.a. bow, 10 details looking straight down. San Francisco 5-95 Q9 $ 8.25
Set CS18A 8 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 starboard overall, nice, 7 details, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes. 7/96 Q9 $ 6.00
Set CS 9A 21 Views from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 overall, nice ¾ bow stbd, 20 details mosaic bow to stern Q9 $ 15.75
Set CS13A 10 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ stern stbd overall, 9 details, mosaic bow to stern along stbd side as ship passes. Q8 $ 7.50
Set CS13B 13 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 ¾ port bow overall, 12 details, mosaic bow to stern along port side as ship passes. Q9 $ 9.75
Set CS8A 9 views, from bridge, 1 nice overall, 8 details bow to amidships. SF CA 6-95 Q8 $ 6.75
Set CS8B 10 views, details passing under bridge amidships to aft SF 6-95 Q8 $ 7.50
Set CS8C 23 views, 1 nice overall ¾ bow stbd, 22 details, mosaic bow to stern, different date than above sets. Q9 $ 17.25
Set CS21A 18 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 2 overall, bow on and slight port angle, 16 good details, mosaic along stbd. side. Q9 $ 13.50
Set CS10A 8 views, from pier, 1 nice ¾ stbd overall, 7 details, mosaic bow to stern. San Diego, 6/94 Q9 $ 6.00
Set CS12A 13 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 1 nice ¾ bow stbd portrait, 12 details along stbd side as ship passes below. 6-96 Q9 $ 9.75
This grand old lady made her final voyage into San Francisco March 14, 1998
Set CS14A 13 views, from shore, ship is passing under the Golden Gate Bridge, 3 nice overall, rest mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. Q9 $ 9.75
Set CS15A 17 views, all details taken from the Golden Gate Bridge as ship passes under. 7/95 Q9 $ 12.75
Set CS15B 1 view, nice ¾ stbd bow portrait, from Golden Gate Bridge. 7/95 Q9 $ .75
Set CS16 13 views, 1 overall, 12 details as she passes under the Golden Gate Bridge. 7/95 Q8 $ 9.75
Set CS19A 18 views, from Golden Gate Bridge, 3 overall stern, stbd side, 15 views, mosaic bow to stern as ship passes under. Q9 $ 13.50
Set CS19B 2 views, from shore, ship is in drydock, lower hull obscured, but interesting view. Q9 $ 1.50
Excursion steamer on the Mississippi River, out of New Orleans. Shot 9/95
Set SB1A 15 views, from another steamboat, 2 overall views, 13 details, mosaic as vessels pass. Q9 $ 11.25
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