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Luhu Class Guided Missile Destroyers - Project 053HT

Large Destroyers equipped with a mixture of Soviet, US (!) and equipment made in other countries.

Harbin DDG-112

Set DDG112A 8 views, from shore, ship is underway, overall views and a mosaic bow to stern. Q8 $ 6.00

Set DDG112B 15 views, from pier, nice details of weapons and sensors, very clear Q9 $ 11.25

Set DDG112C 5 views, from pier, 1 dramatic ¾ bow port overall, 4 details of bridge, mast, rocket launcher. Q9 $ 3.75

Set DDG112D 9 views, looking down from adjacent carrier at stern portion of ship, stern, weapons, mast, ,etc. Q9 $ 6.75

Set DDG112E 13 views, on board, forward gun, rocket launcher, mast, stack, bridge details Q9 $ 9.75

Set DDG112F 19 views, on board and from pier, fwd. details, guns, rockets, mast, stack, etc. nice set. Q9 $ 14.25

Set DDG12G 5 views, onboard, 1 bridge window detail, 4 views of rocket launcher, nice Q9 $ 3.75

Set DDG112H 11 views, onboard, optical sensor, stack, aft superstructure, aft radar Q9 $ 8.25

Set DDG112I 6 views, on board, helo hanger doors, landing lights, helo recovery, rail detail, aft SS from pier. Q9 $ 4.50

Set DDG112J 22 views, from elevated spot on pier, very nice port side details, SS, weapons, sensors. Q9 $ 16.50

Set DDG112K 24 views, as above

Luda Class Guided Missile Destroyers

In service since 1992, this is a moderately sized, capable destroyer.

Zhuhai DDG-166

Set DDG166A 5 views, from opposite shore, 1 starboard side overall, 4 details, mosaic bow to stern, a bit distant, but useful. Q8 $ 3.75

Set DDG166B 12 views, from boat, port side overall, 11 details along port side. Q8 $ 9.00

Set DDG166C 12 views, looking down from carrier flight deck at aft portion of ship, weapons, aft SS, mast, stack, etc. Q9 $ 9.00

Set DDG166D 10 views, looking down at forward portion, guns, sensors, bridge, mast, stack. Nice details Q9 $ 7.50

Set DDG166E 5 views, from another destroyer, bow, forward weapons, very nice details. Q9 $ 3.75

Set DDG166F 30 views, from another ship, details along starboard side, bridge to stern, many details Q9 $22.50

Set DDG166G 12 views, as above, aft details, guns, stack, superstructure, some areas in shadow. Q8 $ 9.00

Set DDG166H 5 views, as above aft guns, VDS winch, good details Q9 $ 3.75

Replenishment Oilers

Nanchang AOE-953

Set AOE953A 2 views, from opposite shore, overall, starboard side, slight bow angle, ¾ stern stbd., Q8 $ 1.50

Set AOE953B 7 views, from boat, mosaic along starboard side Q9 $ 5.25

Set AOE953C 7 views, from pier, mosaic along port side Q9 $ 5.25

Set AOE953D 1 view, from pier, ¾ stern port overall Q9 $ .75

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