SeaPhoto / Catalog / Catalog Index / Ships of the Royal Australian Navy



HMAS Vampire - Daring Class

HMAS Vampire Daring Class Destroyer built during the 1950's in Australia. Deactivated 1986; now a museum ship. Photographed by M. Richards.

Set ADD11A 25 views, 20 from pier looking up at SS, guns, mast, stack, etc. 5 o/b details amidships area around davits Q9 $ 18.75

Set ADD11B 24 views, onboard details, mast, stacks, radars, upper work details, some a bit dark Q8 $ 18.00

Set ADD11C 25 views, onboard details, mast, stacks, radars, guns, fosc'l details Q9 $ 18.75

Set ADD11D 22 views, onboard details, helo deck, AA Gun, deck details hatch, crane, aft deckhouse Q9 $ 16.50

Set ADD11E 13 views, 10 from pier, superstructure, mast, stacks, radar,2 ob details, fosc'l, 1 view of navy launch Q9 $ 9.75

Perth Class Destroyers Built to the US Charles F. Adams design

HMAS Perth DDG-38 - Photographed in Australia by M. Richards

Set ADDG18A 18 views, from elevated shore position, details bow to stern, some clutter but useful series Q8 $ 1..50

HMAS Brisbane - Photographed in Australia by M.Richards

Set ADDG41A 22 views, details bow to stern along port side, a bit dark but useful Q8 $ 16.50


HMAS Onslow S-60

Set S 60 A 21 photos, most taken from adjacent ship looking down2 oa, bow on, 19 good details of deck, conning tower, scopes photographed at Sydney, Australia  by Mark Richards       Q9        15.75

HMAS Otama S 62 - Another, later O class, in active service, photographed by Mark Richards in Australia

S62A32 photos, onboard and from pier, 1 overall of 3/4 stern, 31 good details Q9 $24.00

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